12 Signs Your Loved Ones Are Visiting You — Amanda Linette Meder (2024)

Updated 2021.09.23

The signs of Spirit are all around us and when we make the space available in our lives, it’s possible to sense them, receive them and take note of them.

Signs from Spirit can provide us with incredible reassurance during times of doubt, they provide an immeasurable sense of peace in the heart, and even if they last for just a split second, they tend to be both memorable and remarkable.

The signs those on your Spirit Team will use to get a hold of you will be unique to you, and usually to your relationship with them.

They will usually be accompanied by a feeling of love, that feels a lot like the feeling you get when someone lets you know they appreciate something you did for them.

Regardless of how they make you feel, there are a few common signs that those in Spirit, your Spirit Guides, your Angels, and Loved Ones will use to get in touch with you.

Below you will find the twelve most common signs from deceased loved ones:

1. Pennies from Heaven

Your deceased Loved Ones can work with the energy of the environment.

Spirits, your deceased family, have shown in readings to nudge strangers to drop small things in your presence and then you, to look down at the right moment.

The most common physical sign from most loved ones is monetary, and many use the iconic penny. In essence, it's lightweight enough to move and shiny enough to see.

They also use pennies as signs to illustrate symbolic concepts, pennies can mean new beginnings as well as fresh starts.

2. Cardinals and other brightly colored birds

Your Loved Ones can work with those in the animal world to send you a sign of their presence.

By acting with a Cardinal, a Blue Jay, or a large Hawk to behave abnormally in your presence.

Spirits of animals are sensitive and can pick up on more subtle energies.

Some animals will attempt to communicate with you in collaboration with a greater force. And some, through an empathetic connection that comes from within them to you.

3. Smelling cooking

The scent of cooked food soothes the soul and Spirit will work with this to connect with you.

You can receive this sign through clairalience, this is the psychic sense of clear-smelling.

Think of your grandmother's cooking.Cookies, cakes, and bread scents wafting through the air, and no one is cooking?

This is a common sign of your ancestors, such as grandparents being present.

4. Smelling perfume or cigar smoke

Another clairalient sign of comfort.

Clairalience, known as clear-smelling.

It's often associated with clairsentience as an intuitive gift under this category, but it really is its own inherent ability.

Your Loved Ones, now in Spirit, can dance with the air of your space and produce the scent of cigarettes, cigars, mothballs, perfume, or flowers - anything they were known for.

If you smell something out of character for your space, it can be a Loved One from the other side.

It's usually grandparent-type energy based on what I have seen in readings, who primarily uses this sign to get ahold of you.

5. Feeling a presence

Your Loved One, though they have lost their Physical Body, have not lost their Spirit Body.

While not always physically visible, The Spirit Body is palpable by most.

Sensing someone in the room without another physical human or pet present?

Spirit may be attempting to let you know they are around.

If the sense of their presence gets too much, and if you find yourself becoming emotional about a visitation, know this is normal. They usually will tone down these style visitations if requested.

Don't worry - if you do ask this, know they will continue to visit, and you can ask them to visit you another way - choose another on this list.

6. Having a visitation dream

Your Loved Ones can visit you through dreams and with dream messages.

It's easy to receive in a liminal state.

A visitation dream is a sweet, pleasant, almost rewarding break from the many sleepless nights typically following a transition.

So many people welcome this sign.

Visitation dreams generally appear sometime around six-to-eight weeks following the ascension of a loved one, and they apply to visitations from all - pets, spouses, partners, and friends.

How can you tell when a dream is from a Loved One?

They are rewarding when you receive them, psychically and emotionally.

Visitation dreams typically involve a sense of freedom, play, love, and joy. They are very lucid and crisp.

There is aridity, almost loftiness, lofty feeling to them that makes them feel different than other dreams.

For more insight on how to know if you've received one of these signs, check out:

Visitation Dreams: How You Know For Sure

One of the purposes of signs such as Visitation Dreams is they act as reminders that love is indeed eternal.

7. Hearing their voice

The voice of Spirit will sometimes echo through the veil, though sometimes it sounds like a gentle, direct note.

Hearing it can happen when it's misty outside, but it can also happen during a few of the most common times Spirit tends to meet with people.

Many people hear the voices of their Loved Ones inside their minds after their passing.It's called internal clairaudience, and it's how a medium hears Spirit.

If you've heard an external voice, know this is possible, too, it's called a disembodied voice, and it sounds like the Spirit is outside you.

It's most common in the days following a loved one's passing.

8. Warm goosebumps and tingles

The chill of truth, the psychic chill, the tingles.

The sensation of the presence of a Spirit often produces warm, tingly feelings on the body.

Some intuitives call this body-validation: it happens when you are saying or speaking something true.

Body chills can act as all over feel-good validation that what you are doing is in alignment with truth.

If you have been feeling lots of tingles or goosebumps, especially while reading this article, this is a sign that your Loved One is confirming their presence.

For more on this, check out Tingling Sensations: Could It Be A Spirit? or Sensing Spirit: Goosebumps, Spiderweb, and Heat Sensations.

9. Unexpected gifts

Your Loved Ones still want to do nice things for you.

Still, being without a physical body, their options for physical gifts are often limited. So they make serendipitous use of their ability to.

Your Loved Ones can guide you towards special surprises, to meet the right people for your career and love life, a free box of products, etc.

The types of gifts your Spirits will try to send your way, can be physical resources.

Learn more in the post, The 4 Languages of Spirit: How Does Spirit Best Communicate with You?

10. Flashes of Light

Those in Spirit can manifest as a partial, full, or circular apparition.

Living in the realm of the Divine Light (Heaven), your Loved Ones also don't necessarily need to form a full body to manifest.

They can appear as flashes of light, often seen out of the corner of your eye.

11. Orbs in photographs

Those in Spirit form can manifest as a small ball of light, also known as an orb, in photographs.

Depending on the lens of the camera, the lighting, shutter speed, a viewfinder can capture things that we can't or didn't see with our physical eyes.

You can catch Spirit on a regular cellular phone camera or video camera.

12. Misplaced items

Years ago, I had a reading where someone's father came through and said he was moving his brother's baseball cap around.

To let the brother know he was the one misplacing his cap.

This was later validated.

Spirit People can cause an apport or a physical item to manifest out of thin air, they can also produce gusts to move things.

Have you been losing things only to find them in the same place you remember putting them later on?

Your Loved Ones can move items to play with you and usually to get your attention.

They can actually help you find lost items you've been looking for, too, when asked.

To recap, the 12 most common signs you are being visited by your Loved Ones

  1. Pennies from Heaven

  2. Cardinals and other brightly colored birds

  3. Smelling cooking

  4. Smelling perfume or cigar smoke

  5. Feeling a presence

  6. Having a visitation dream

  7. Hearing their voice

  8. Warm goosebumps and tingles

  9. Unexpected gifts

  10. Flashes of Light

  11. Orbs in photographs

  12. Misplacing or appearing items

Visitations enhance the change that comes with a transition, but they can lighten up and break up the mood on a day when the grief is the heaviest.

As mentioned above, that's usually the point of most signs we receive, to remind us that we're not alone, that we're loved, and that those we love are still here, just in another form.

Finding new methods of communication after our old forms loose shape can be interesting, and at the very least, nourishing.

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12 Signs Your Loved Ones Are Visiting You — Amanda Linette Meder (2024)
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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

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Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.