Almond Pulp (2024)

Almond Pulp

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Almond Pulp (11)Almond pulp is the by-product from making nut milk. It is a wonderful ingredient for making raw crackers, cookies, breads, tart crusts, and so on. Never throw this stuff away! If you make small amounts of the almond milk, place the pulp in a freezer-safe ziplock bag and pop it in the freezer until you acquire enough to make a recipe.

To get almond pulp, you must first make almond milk. Here is a recipe on how to makehom*ogenized Almond milkor another post I did on Nut Milk. If you have a trouble with hand strength or make large amounts of nut milk, here is a great alternative that I came up with.

There are a few things to keep in mind about using almond pulp.

  • 1 cup of almonds equals 1/2 cup of packed moist almond pulp. Roughly.
  • Every batch of pulp will differ in moisture. The amount of moisture left in the pulp depends on how much you are able squeeze the milk from the nut bag. Therefore, you may need to adjust the liquids being used in pulp recipes. If it is really dry feeling, more moisture may need to be added. Or if the pulp is really wet, less moisture would probably be necessary.
  • Remember that whatever ingredients you put in the almond milk will give the pulp a different flavor. So for example, if you add a sweetener to your milk before squeezing, the pulp will have a sweet taste to it… unless you add any further ingredients after you strain the nut pulp out.
  • Almond pulp can be frozen. To thaw, just place on the kitchen counter or in the fridge till softened. You can also place the bag in a bowl of water to speed up the process, just make sure you have a sealed bag.
  • Almond pulp can be dehydrated. Spread it out on a teflex sheet that comes with the dehydrator and dry at 115 degrees (F) for 4-8 hours or until completely dry. It can then be ground into a flour by using a food processor, a spice or coffee grinder.
  • To make a white almond pulp, remove the skins after soaking and before blending into milk. For simple instructions, read here.
  • There is no accurate way of knowing the nutritional data on almond pulp.
  • Almond pulp has gone bad if it smells sour.
  • Looking for recipes that use almond pulp? On the left side of your screen, up top… type in the search box “almond pulp”… and be ready for tons of recipes!

Last Spring, I was making a lot of almond milk for my girlfriend’s family. She bought the almonds, I made the milk for them and I got to keep the pulp. I was in fluffy, almond pulp, heaven. When we closed down our house in Tucson, I had a freezer full of almond pulp. There was no way on God’s green earth that I was going to leave it behind. I bought a cooler and packed up 62 lbs of almond pulp! This is one serious raw girl. hehe

Almond Pulp (12)

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Tags: Dehydrated

  1. Almond Pulp (18) Teresa says:

    Thanks for the description of making and storing the almond pulp.


  2. Almond Pulp (20) Nicole says:

    Where on earth did you get that milk jug? It is adorable!


    • Almond Pulp (21) amie-sue says:

      What jug Nicole, I don’t have one on this page. :)


      • Almond Pulp (22) Nicole says:

        I’m sorry, I’m on the wrong page. I meant the one you’ve got your almond milk in with the red writing. Thanks!


        • Almond Pulp (23) amie-sue says:

          oh hehe gotcha… I got it at an antique show… I love antique and thrift store shopping… ooh and garage sales! hehe I find all my dish-ware through all those avenues. Have a great day, amie sue


  3. Almond Pulp (24) Mary says:

    I keep meaning to ask you if I can make almond pulp using dehydrated almonds. Like you, when I bring a big bag of almonds home, I soak and dehydrate all of them. So that’s all I have. Thank you for all you do. You are a huge inspiration!


  4. Almond Pulp (28) Doris says:

    If one wants to save the pulp after making you ‘hom*ogenized’ milk recipe, but doesn’t want the extra ingredients (dates, vanilla, etc) in the pulp, can one just make plain milk & then put back into the vitamix & add the other ingredients as well as the lecithin & hom*ogenize after pulp removal? Will it become hom*ogenized if one does this type of double processing & then strain the finished milk thru a fine mesh strainer to remove any date frags? Thanks for your informative site & help.


  5. Almond Pulp (30) Mona says:

    Hi Amie! I really like your site. Thank you so much and God bless you! I have a question: How long can you keep the almond pulp in the freezer? I have mine for about 3 months. Do you think it’ s still good? I don’ t want to catch any diseases.


    • Almond Pulp (31) amie-sue says:

      Thank you Mona. :) I am blessed indeed!

      I think your almond pulp is fine, you won’t catch and diseases… worse that could happen is that it gains ice crystals and it starts to lose flavor (not that it is strong in taste but it can take on that freezer taste). Just make sure that it is well sealed and start using it. :) Have a blessed evening, amie sue


  6. Almond Pulp (32) April says:

    Hi Amie

    The recipes I’ve tried using my homemade almond flour (when the recipe asks for almond meal) have so far turned out bad. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I don’t get rid of the skins. Does this matter? I always make sure the pulp is completely dry before whizzing it up. And yet the chocolate cupcake recipe i tried was dry and stodgy. Do I need to make almond meal from just blanched almonds instead of the pulp from almond milk?


    • Almond Pulp (33) amie-sue says:

      Good morning April,

      The ones that have turned out bad, are they from my recipes? Can you please give me some links to the recipes that you are making so I can understand fully what is going on? Almond pulp, almond flour and almond meal can be three different forms of almonds… depends on how the recipe creator refers to it. In my recipes almond pulp is the by-product from making almond milk. With that pulp I leave the skins on the almonds unless I need a white dough batter. The only other reason for removing the skins is for digestive reasons, not texture reasons in recipes. Anyway, it’s hard to really answer this recipe unless I know what recipe(s) you are referring to. I look forward to hearing from you. amie sue


      • Almond Pulp (34) April says:

        Hi Amie. Thanks for your reply. One recent recipe I tried was Teresa Cutter’s chocolate cupcakes found here:
        It asks for almond meal. I used my leftover pulp from making almond milk, dried it in the oven until thoroughly dry, then whizzed it in my thermomix for one minute. I haven’t tried your recipes yet. I’m about to give up and buy almond meal but I don’t want to waste my pulp! Cheers, April.


        • Almond Pulp (35) amie-sue says:

          Hello April,

          Being able to see the recipe that you are making is a game changer. I didn’t realize that you were creating a baked recipe that included eggs, etc. I can’t really advise you there. I would contact that recipe developer and ask the questions that you have. Ask here what she means about almond meal. Most people refer to it as this: Or it can be made just by placing almonds in the food processor and blitzing them to a small crumble.

          Your using a totally different texture. When you dehydrate and grind down almond PULP, it is more of a fine powder. Again, different texture. Plus, the fat ratio is totally different and when it comes to a baked item, that can make a difference.

          So if you are really wanting to make her recipe and have great success contact her with specific questions. I wouldn’t waste your pulp either… it’s not readily available as almond meal. :) Pulp is precious.

          Have a great day, amie sue


  7. Almond Pulp (36) angela hill says:

    Amy,thanks so much for all your help, and inspiration. I love making all of your creations. Recently, my sister wanted me to meet with her at a local farmers market. One of the raw/vegan vendors there offered a “taco” with jackfriut. All was right with the world when I sampled the little street morsel. What is your opinion on jackfriut? I did a little research, and I must say, it’s quite an interesting fruit. A little on the expensive side if purchased as a whole. Amazon offers a canned, and dried version. If you don’t mind ,when given a moment, could you share your thoughts? Blessings, angie.


    • Almond Pulp (37) amie-sue says:

      Good morning Angela,

      So nice to hear from you. I just love visiting local Farmers Markets. We always try to while we are traveling as well. I haven’t tried jackfruit before so I don’t have much to comment on it. They don’t sell it where I live. I think I tried it canned many many years ago but didn’t care for it, but that’s not a fair assessment. Is there something nutrition wise or taste wise that you are questioning in particular? Have a wonderful weekend, amie sue


  8. […] 4 cupsmoist, packedalmond pulp […]


  9. Almond Pulp (38) Angie Sist says:

    oh my God … you are amazing, Amie Sue … thank YOU, thank you, thank you


  10. Amie-Sue,

    Thank you for your yummy recipes.
    I am allergic to almonds. For your recipes, specifically crackers, will other nut pulp work? I’ve used walnut pulp in a few things. It yummy but just by nature of the nut, I know I won’t get the same crisp that almond pulp gives. I use coconut pulp/flour a lot, but honestly I get tired of it. Any suggestions or ideas?


    • Almond Pulp (42) amie-sue says:

      Good morning Emily,

      I am sorry to hear that you are allergic to almonds. So many allergies these days.

      You can use other nut and seed pulps or even the whole nut/seed but as you are aware some will change the texture and overall flavor. That’s not always a bad thing.. it will just create a new out come. You can also use sprouted and dried buckwheat as an alternative. Also, have you tried tigernuts? Here is a post that I did on tigernut flour. But you can make milk with it and use the pulp too. I am sorry that there isn’t a straight-across-the-board replacement for almond pulp but I hope I was able to give you a few ideas.

      If you come across a particular recipe that you want to try and I used almond pulp, just ask a question in the comment section below it. Blessings, amie sue


  11. Almond Pulp (43) k says:

    can I just moisten almond meal for recipes requiring almond pulp?


    • Almond Pulp (44) amie-sue says:

      Good afternoon Kimberly,

      I won’t be the same texture and moisture level. You can use it by all means but you will have to modify the recipe some to achieve the right texture. Almond pulp is light and airy. Wet almond meal (ground almonds) will be dense and heavy. Does that help? Blessings, amie sue


  12. Almond Pulp (45) Lindsey says:

    Hi, I have about a mason jar’s worth of almond pulp in my freezer. If I want it to defrost it in the fridge how long should I allow for it to defrost before I bake it into meal? I’m thinking 24 hours? Would that do it? Thanks!


    • Almond Pulp (46) amie-sue says:

      Hello Lindsey,

      I would just take it out of the freezer and place on the counter to defrost. Once thawed so where there aren’t any frozen chunks in it, use it. How long it will take will depend on how warm the house is. You could also place the jar in cold water to speed up the process. Make sure the lid is tight. Don’t use hot water or you might crack the jar. Have a blessed holiday, amie sue


      • Almond Pulp (47) Lindsey says:

        Hi Amie Sue, thanks for getting back to me! My apartment can get quite toasty so maybe I’ll leave it in the fridge part of the time and then the counter. Thanks for the advice and happy holidays :)


  13. Almond Pulp (49) Rachel says:

    Hi Amie Sue – thank you for all the information. My problem is when i try to strain milk- I get no pulp- it’s all blended?! I use Vitamix at a highest setting for a bit under a minute. The milk tastes good but almost chalky. What am I doing wrong?


    • Almond Pulp (50) amie-sue says:

      No pulp Rachel, that is rather odd. What type of almonds are you using? What are you straining with? Let’s see if we can narrow this issue down. I ALWAYS have pulp with almonds. blessings, amie sue


  14. Almond Pulp (51) Kathy Pettigrew says:

    I was wondering with all this talk of Almond pulp being the by product of making almond milk. What do you suppose commercial almond milk manufacturers do with all their pulp?


    • Almond Pulp (52) amie-sue says:

      oh gosh, who knows Kathy. lol Maybe it is used in animal feed. If they were smart, they would sell it but then a lot of those companies don’t use good quality ingredients so there is that. amie sue


  15. Almond Pulp (53) Kathy Pettigrew says:

    I just thought it would be a huge waste if they were tossing it! I haven’t made my own almond milk yet, but when I do I will try some of your recipes. What food de-hydrator do you use? I had a living foods de-hydrator years ago.


  16. I don’t happen to like almond milk. How can I substitute almonds, almond flour or meal for the pulp in recipes? Thank you so so so much! Googled forever and only Pulp recipes. No substitutions. :-( Only making it into flour with no fat and moisture. I appreciate your time and wonderful recipes!


    • Almond Pulp (56) amie-sue says:

      Good evening Morgine,

      Thanks for reaching out. Unfortunately, there isn’t a straightforward, black-and-white answer since it will depend on the recipe. We have to ask ourselves, “what is the role of the almonds, almond flour, or almond pulp?”

      If a recipe calls for wholes almonds such as in a raw granola or crust recipe, you can use other nuts instead. If it’s almond flour, you can use oat flour, buckwheat flour, etc. but again, it just depends on what the recipe is.

      Almond pulp in raw recipes is probably the hardest one to substitute because almond pulp offers a very unique texture in recipes such as my raw bread recipes or some of the raw cake ones. It makes for a light, airy, and almost spongy texture. Almond pulp doesn’t have much flavor since most of the flavor is left behind in the almond milk. Have you ever tried almond pulp in any recipes to see if you are ok with the taste? If you would be willing to try it and end up liking the pulp culinary benefits, perhaps you have a friend who would enjoy the milk so nothing goes to waste? Maybe you two could split the cost of the almonds, you keep the pulp and they take the milk. Almond pulp freezes wonderfully (the milk does as well) so you can build up a stash.

      Just some ideas. :) If you have a particular recipe in mind that has almonds, almond flour, or pulp in it and you not sure what to substitute it with, leave a comment under that recipe so I can better help. I hope this all makes sense and is helpful. blessings, amie sue


      • Aime Sue,

        How very, very KIND of you to respond! I am so surprised and delighted. I do understand what you shared since I am 71 and have been preparing almost all my meals from scratch since I left home at 19!

        I eat lots of salads and do not eat normal baked gluten free breads and love croutons. So I saw this recipe I would Really Like to Try and just decided to ask at least once.

        I Googled many variations of: Substitute for Almond Pulp, and neither Google, nor Youtube, not some Vegan and Raw sites had any suggestions! None. :-) I laughed. So …. I decided to write you.

        Much love and great appreciation! Morgine Jurdan


        • Almond Pulp (58) amie-sue says:

          Good morning Morgine,

          I always answer or respond to questions or comments on the site. :) If I don’t, it’s some computer glitch. I have many raw croutons recipes on the site… here ( is one where I used almond meal instead of almond pulp (even though the photo says almond pulp – oops). You can see the measurements in the recipe. I have used ground almonds instead of the pulp over the years. The texture is denser than with pulp (which I think gives the ultimate texture) but it still tastes great and gives that crunch facture that most of us crave.

          Since you don’t like almonds at all, you can use other nuts instead. The flavor profile will alter from the recipe but there is nothing wrong with that. :) For more season ideas, the following link will take you to the category page on the site that has other crouton recipes.

          blessings, amie sue


    • Thank you for the link to YOUR crouton recipe!! It sounds delicious! I love almonds, I just don’t enjoy the milk much. I usually drink water 99% of the time and a little organic plain oat milk in rare cases. Thanks again for your great insights and recipes. You are Amazing! So nice you answer our questions! Made my day! Have a GREAT life! (I decided just a day or year was too short! :-) Celebrating Love’s Magic, Morgine


  17. Almond Pulp (61) fairymoonstar says:

    Raw Replacement 911!! Amie-Sue, I am having a raw dinner party this weekend and making a pizza crust that requires 3 cups of almond pulp. I have none stored right now and the labor of that with everything else overwhelms me. Is there anything I can replace it with? Like adding 2 cups of sun seeds maybe 1/2 cup of almond pulp and 1/2 c coco flakes? I will be adding a mixture of dates, coconut meat and garlic to the crust mix. Thank you so much for your help!


    • Almond Pulp (62) amie-sue says:

      Good day Jennifer,

      Almon pulp is tricky to substitute out because of the wonderful texture that it gives. Using a whole seed or nut as a replacement can lead to a denser texture which may not be bad, just different. If it were me (based on the ingredients you listed) I would try combining the sunflower seeds, almond pulp, and roughly 2 Tbsp of psyllium husks. It will not only act as a binder but it might help add some loft to the pizza crust. Italian seasoning would also be a nice addition. Have a wonderful time at your dinner party! blessings, amie sue


  18. Almond Pulp (63) Stephanie says:

    Thinking about starting to make my own milk at home. Would love to use the pulp, to reduce waste.


    • Almond Pulp (64) amie-sue says:

      Good for you, Stephanie. It is so much better to make your own. If you type in “almond pulp” in the search window, you will find all the ways I use this lovely by-product. Blessings, amie sue


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Almond Pulp (2024)


What do almond milk companies do with almond pulp? ›

What's leftover from the process of making almond milk is almond pulp. The almond pulp is then dried in the oven at a low temperature, left on the counter to cool overnight, and finally, processed into almond meal using a food processor or high-speed blender.

How long do you dehydrate almond pulp? ›

Spread out your almond pulp on a baking tray to as thin as you can get it. Place the tray in the oven and let the pulp dehydrate for 4-8 hours. The length you keep it in the oven depends on the temperature of your oven. It will be done when all the moisture is baked out and it's dry and crumbly.

Can I eat almond pulp? ›

Use the almond pulp raw: You can also use almond pulp raw (as you'll see in the brownie bites below!). It's great for recipes like energy bites that call for nuts or nut meal, or adding to things like granola in place of some of the oats or nuts.

Is there any nutritional value in almond pulp? ›

Here is a breakdown of the approximate nutritional value of almond pulp: Fiber: Almond pulp contains dietary fiber, although the exact amount can vary. On average, it may provide around 2-3 grams of fiber per ounce (28 grams). Protein: Almond pulp retains some prote.

Can I freeze almond pulp? ›

Freezing your almond pulp is also a great idea if you regularly make almond milk at home. I generally freeze a few batches first before defrosting and making my own almond flour to use in banana bread. All you need to do is place your almond pulp into a plastic freezer bag, or any sealed container until required.

Why isn't my almond flour thickening? ›

Almond flour doesn't absorb liquid the same as traditional flour so you'll need to add more to thicken doughs and batters. Both should be on the thick side for the best baking results.

What does xanthan gum do to almond flour? ›

It is excellent for binding, structure-building, and elasticity for baked goods. In most cases, a little goes a long way. One-fourth teaspoon of xanthan gum is all that you need per one cup of almond flour.

How long does homemade almond flour last? ›

That's it! Note that you cannot use any nut flour as a 1:1 substitute for all-purpose flour or a gluten-free flour blend. Instead, use this flour in any recipe that specifically calls for almond meal or flour. Then, store leftovers in an airtight container in a cool, dry place for up to 3 months.

Which is healthier, blanched or unblanched almond flour? ›

Blanched almond flour is lighter and is much better for creating pastries. Because the almonds are white in color (having had the skin removed), the ground up flour will not make a difference to the appearance of your dish. Blanched almond flour also carries the same nutritional benefits as unblanched almond flour.

Why is my almond flour wet? ›

If you blend the nuts too long, you risk heavy, wet results instead of light and fluffy flour. As the almonds grind, they release oil. Eventually so much oil will release you will make a batch of almond butter instead of flour!

Can you make your own almond flour? ›

Add almonds to a high-speed blender and blend on high until a fine, powdery flour is achieved. We recommend turning the blender on the highest setting for 5-10 seconds. Then stop, shake the blender container, and hit the sides to shake loose any clumps that have formed on the sides.

Why we should not eat almonds without soaking? ›

The skin of almonds is difficult to digest, and therefore Ayurveda recommends soaking the almonds and peeling the skin to improve the digestibility of almonds. When you eat almonds without soaking and peeling off the skin, it will aggravate Pitta in the blood.

Can almond pulp be used as almond flour? ›

Make almond milk. After making the milk, you will be left with almond pulp. Spread the wet almond pulp onto the dehydrator tray. Once dry, let it cool completely before grinding it to a powder.

Is almond pulp compostable? ›

After making fresh milk in your Almond Cow, we recommend putting your leftover pulp in the green layer of waste in your compost bin.

What to do with walnut pulp after making milk? ›

Spread your nut milk pulp onto a baking-lined tray and dry it at your oven's lowest temperature. Once your pulp is dry, roughly crumble it up and use in place of bread crumbs as a topping or breading.

What is the filler in almond milk? ›

They use fewer almonds, the actual nutritional part of the almond milk, and add a thickening agent like gellan gum or carrageenan to make the almond milk still feel like milk when consumed. Without the added gums and fillers, the almond milk would be incredibly watery, which most people would not want to consume.

What do you do with almond paste? ›

Almond paste is a flavorful spread made from ground blanched almonds, sugar, and egg whites. The sweet paste appears in a variety of baked goods, whether folded into pastries and almond cakes as almond cream; breakfast fare like bear claws, almond croissants, and waffles; or enjoyed on its own as marzipan candy.

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Name: Neely Ledner

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