Divinity by Farr - Divinity by Farr (2024)

Divinity by Farr - Divinity by Farr (1)

Divinity is a sweet candy that can only be described as… well… divine! This southern treat is amazingly simple and surprisingly easy to make. BUT, as with most homemade candies, divinity has can be particularly challenging. Divinity is mostly sugar, and sugar must be cooked with care and patience. Lots of patience. Cooking your sugar into a sweet syrup is only part of the equation, though. The egg whites must be beaten to white snowy peaks. Then the syrup must be added to the egg whites at just the right time and beaten for just the right amount. When it’s over, everyone in your home will fight for the rights to scrape the bowl and beater!

I have been making this delicious, light and fluffy candy for 35+ years, and I have discovered some mysteries and secrets that almost guarantee that you will make a perfect batch of divinity. I also make other candies that I describe and share my secrets and techniques.

How I Learned to Make Divinity

My dad taught me how to make candy. His mother taught him. I don’t know how she learned, but these recipes and techniques have been handed down in our family for generations. You can find similar recipes for divinity, but becoming a master divinity maker requires practice, patience, and finding the right techniques that produce light and fluffy candy. If you undercook your syrup, your candy will be sweet puddles. Overcook your syrup, and your candy will too hard to eat. Underbeat your candy and you might have to eat it with a spoon. Overbeat it and could be crunchy and sugary. Don’t be discouraged from making these delicious sweets that others will beg you to make. I learned by watching my dad, the ultimate master divinity maker. He showed me how to produce a perfect batch every time. In fact, his candy won numerous awards at our county fairs as far back as I can remember. Everyone wanted some of his candy, and he shared it freely.

I am not the only one in my family who makes divinity. My siblings and other relatives also have learned the special arts of making divinity. Each year, as Christmas approaches, we enter a friendly competition we call #DivinityWars to determine who makes the best divinity candy. Of course, mine wins every time! And the reason is simple: I judge my own candy, and I deem that it is near-perfect to perfect. How could anyone else’s come close?

You Can Make Delicious Candy

Do you make candy? Do you want to learn to make candy? I would love to hear about your kitchen victories as I share mine. And, as I share my flops and what caused them, I would love to know yours, too. Ask your questions, and I will respond. Now, go to the kitchen and get started!


Divinity by Farr - Divinity by Farr (2024)
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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

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Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.