DIY Shower Melts Recipe To Reduce Congestion (without citric acid) (2024)

Have theseDIY shower melts recipeson hand for when a cold hits! Made with only four ingredients, these homemade shower melts for congestion work wonderfully.

The shower melts are made without citric acid but use essential oils and help break up a stuffy nose and allow you to breathe! A great natural option to ease a congested nose.

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Reduce congestion and breathe easier with this DIY shower melts recipe.

The essential oil blend in the homemade shower steamers will help open your sinuses and steam from the shower makes that easier.

And while this DIY shower melts recipe work wonders for stuffy noses, don’t forget to have somehomemade cough dropson hand for scratchy throats too!

Disclaimer:I am not an essential oil specialist, aromatherapist, or doctor. I use this blend for myself and my own health. Please consult your physician before using essential oils (even aromatically).Pleaseconsult with your doctor on the essential oils before using as some oils can workagainstcertain medications or conditions (like pregnancy and with kids).

How To Use The DIY Shower Melts Recipe

To use these homemade shower steamers for congestion relief, start by getting a hot shower going (wait until the water is actually hot and a bit steamy).

Place 2-3 of the DIY shower melts in the bathtub away from where you’re immediately stepping.

The steam from the shower will help open up the sinuses and melt the coconut oil. This releases the essential oils which will give you relief to a congested nasal passage.

Keep in mind that the DIY shower steamers are oil-based! They’ll make the tub slippery- so be careful!

A Natural Remedy For Congestion

When I was a kid, we were all rubbing Vicks on our chests in order to break up a congested sinus.

And while I do still use a congestion rub sometimes (though definitely a homemade one), I always strive to inhale rather than absorb first.

Eucalyptus has been shown to helpprovide relief during common colds.Ithas been also been said to have antibacterial properties.

If you’re finding you’re stuffy and just can’t break up your sinuses, give the homemade shower melts recipe a try and see how it helps.

How To Store The Homemade Shower Melts Recipe

Store these homemade shower steamers in the fridge because they’re coconut oil-based.

In the cupboard, these DIY shower melts will literally melt and be useless. Though the random, potent-smelling goop is fun *said from experience*.

Storing them in the fridge not only makes them last longer to use but it also makes them last longer in the shower as it takes a moment for the coconut oil to heat up.

Coloring The DIY Shower Melts For Congestion

For the purpose of photos alone I used mica powder to color these DIY shower melts. However, this has zero effect on how they work.

Personally, unless I’m giving them as gifts, I don’t both to make them look pretty.

DIY Shower Melts Recipe To Reduce Congestion (without citric acid) (2)
DIY Shower Melts Recipe To Reduce Congestion (without citric acid) (3)

Essential Oils For Congestion

These DIY shower melts with essential oils use a blend of Eucalyptus and Wintergreen to ease congestion. However, they are not the only essential oils you can use!

These are all wonderful essential oils to use to ease stuffy sinuses.Pathways Wellness Programhas a great list of the best essential oils for congestion.

That said, you need to do your research before using these homemade shower melts for congestion with your kids. Initially, I made these with lavender and wintergreen and used them with my toddler last year. However, I have read that kids under the age of 12 shouldn’t be exposed (even aromatically) to any of the “menthol” blends.

I have also read the opposite. So, do your research and make your own decisions regarding your kiddos. Personally, I’ve been delving into a lot of Lea Jacobson’s stuff onusing essential oils safely!

Update: in place of anything with menthol, pine essential oils are great for congestion in kids! I know Plant Therapy actually has akid-safe stuffy blendtoo!

As for dilution rates, for anything topical, I tend to use 1 drop of essential oil to 1 teaspoon of carrier oil which comes out to about a 5% dilution rate.

Because these shower melts are used aromatically, I use a higher dilution rate (8-10%). Again, do your own research!

DIY Shower Melts Recipe To Reduce Congestion (without citric acid) (4)

Shower Steamers Versus Shower Melts

While these tend to go by the same name, they’re not the same thing. To me, DIY shower steamers last only a few moments as they dissolve rapidly.

While this is great for a morning pick me up, energy boost, or to relax, they’re not what I need when I’m stuffy!

Alternatively, DIY shower melts without citric acid are oil based. This means that they take longer to melt and the essential oils stay in the air longer. Thus, helping ease congestion further.

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DIY Shower Melts Recipe To Reduce Congestion (without citric acid) (6)

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Shower Melts To Reduce Congestion

Prep Time 5 minutes minutes

Cook Time 10 minutes minutes

Total Time 2 hours hours 15 minutes minutes

Servings 12 melts



  • In a small pot, melt the coconut oil (until just warm, not hot or you’ll damage the oils).

  • Pour the essential oils into the coconut oil. Add in the arrowroot (and mica if using) and mix until everything is wet.

  • Portion into a silicone mold.

  • Place in the fridge for 2 hours to set.

  • Notes: Mica powder is simply a natural way to color a DIY project. I use it when I am giving these shower melts out as homemade gifts. For just myself, I omit tit as it does leave color on your bathtub and that makes for more cleaning at some point!

  • You can easily sub the essential oils for DoTerra’s “breathe” blend which works very well also.

  • Safety: the melts are oil-based which will make the tub slippery. Place the melt in an area that you’re not stepping every three seconds and be careful!

  • Store in the fridge.



Makes 12 melts depending on the mold used.

Note: you can grab all of the essential oils from my Amazon Store.

Again, this recipe has a very high dilution rate and should be adjusted in both dilutions as well as the oils you use for kids.

These DIY shower melts without citric acid are an easy fix for that congested feeling we get all too often in the colder months.

Using only four ingredients they’re simple to whip up and the essential oils have been shown to help provide some relief.

Whip up a batch of the homemade shower steamers for congestion and store them in your fridge (along with someDIY cough drops) so that you have them when you need them!

DIY Shower Melts Recipe To Reduce Congestion (without citric acid) (2024)
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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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