Flexi answers - How does cabbage juice act as a pH indicator? (2024)

How does cabbage juice act as a pH indicator?

Flexi answers - How does cabbage juice act as a pH indicator? (1)

Flexi answers - How does cabbage juice act as a pH indicator? (2)

Flexi Says: Universal indicator is used to make pH paper, which can be used to quickly test solutions for their approximate pH. Its solution is a mixture of organic compounds such as thymol blue, methyl red, bromothymol blue, and phenolphthalein. Extracting the anthocyanin dye from cabbage leaves with boiling water gives a solution that is red when acidic, purple when neutral, and green to yellow when basic is an example of a natural indicator.

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Flexi answers - How does cabbage juice act as a pH indicator? (2024)
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