How to Pan Fry the Perfect Dumpling (2024)

Tip for dumplings sticking to your pan:

This is a very common problem when pan frying dumplings, and most likely it is because your pan isn't hot enough.
The easiest trick would be to buy a nonstick pan, but for those who don't want to spend the money, try out this test.

To make sure your pan
is at the correct temperature, try the water droplet test.

Heat up your pan, when you think it is hot enough, splash a few droplets of water into your pan:
1.If the droplets sit and start bubbling, it's not hot enough.
2. If the droplets hiss and spit, evaporating immediately, it's TOO hot.
3. If thedroplets stays in a single ball and rolls around,your pan is the PERFECT temperature to add your oil!


1. Place your pan on medium heat. When hot, add 2 tablespoons of oil to a non-stick pan.
(If you don't have a nonstick pan, read the tips above to help stop the dumplings from sticking).

How to Pan Fry the Perfect Dumpling (1)

2.Place an even layer of frozen dumplings in pan.
Make sure there is oil on thebottom of every single dumpling.
How to Pan Fry the Perfect Dumpling (2)

3. Pour in some water, enough to reach about 1/2 - 3/4 up the sides of the dumplings.
How to Pan Fry the Perfect Dumpling (3)

4. Cover and cook for about 10 minutes on medium to high heat or until the water
evaporates and the dumplings are cooked through and golden and crispy at the bottom.
Once the water has evaporated, it should take about 3 minutes for the bottoms of your
dumplings to become crispy and brown.Remove the dumplings and serve.
How to Pan Fry the Perfect Dumpling (4)
How to Pan Fry the Perfect Dumpling (5)
How to Pan Fry the Perfect Dumpling (6)
How to Pan Fry the Perfect Dumpling (7)

Hakka Dumplingsare featured in this step by step guide.

How to Pan Fry the Perfect Dumpling (2024)


How to Pan Fry the Perfect Dumpling? ›

In a large, non-stick pan, heat 1-2 tbsp. of oil over medium heat. Place the dumplings in the pan and fry on both sides until golden brown (you will need to do this in batches). Once golden brown, add a few tablespoons of water and cover with a lid to steam for about 3-5 minutes until the pork is cooked through.

How to perfectly pan fry dumplings? ›

In a large, non-stick pan, heat 1-2 tbsp. of oil over medium heat. Place the dumplings in the pan and fry on both sides until golden brown (you will need to do this in batches). Once golden brown, add a few tablespoons of water and cover with a lid to steam for about 3-5 minutes until the pork is cooked through.

How to make sure dumplings don't stick to pan? ›

Pan-Frying Dumplings

If you are using a stainless steel pan, season the pan first before placing dumplings on to prevent your dumplings from sticking to the pan, alternatively you can use a non-stick pan.

How long should dumplings be fried? ›

Heat oil in a large heavy skillet over medium heat. Break off pieces of dough and shape them into biscuit-like patties. Place just enough of the dumplings into the hot oil so they are not crowded; fry until golden brown, about 3 minutes per side. Remove from the pan and drain on paper towels before serving.

How much oil do you put in pan fry dumplings? ›

  1. Place your pan on medium heat. When hot, add 2 tablespoons of oil to a non-stick pan. ...
  2. Place an even layer of frozen dumplings in pan. ...
  3. Pour in some water, enough to reach about 1/2 - 3/4 up the sides of the dumplings.
  4. Cover and cook for about 10 minutes on medium to high heat or until the water.

How do you keep pan-fried dumplings crispy? ›

If you want to get similar results at home, there are only two tricks you really need. First is to add a bit of extra starch to your dumplings. Dust them with cornstarch, shaking off the excess before the initial fry. Second is to use a non-stick skillet, or an extremely well-seasoned cast iron pan.

Do you cover the pan when cooking dumplings? ›

Cover with a lid, reduce heat to medium, and cook 4–5 minutes to allow slurry to evaporate. Remove lid—there will likely be parts of the slurry that haven't cooked yet and still look pale so move the pan around over the heat to cook until the entire base is golden.

Why are my fried dumplings falling apart? ›

Homemade dumplings can fall apart for a number of different reasons, or any combination of them. Often they burst during cooking because they have too much filling for the amount of dough. Some doughs are too dry, so the dumplings won't stay sealed. Others can be too wet and sticky and end up tearing.

Why aren t my dumplings light and fluffy? ›

Baking Powder

It's responsible for the dumplings' light and fluffy texture.

How do you know if dumplings are cooked enough? ›

You know the dumplings are cooked when they look plump and float on the surface of the water. Drain them using a colander or strainer, and rinse in cold water immediately for a few seconds to stop the cooking process.

How do you know when homemade dumplings are done? ›

Steamed dumplings require a test so simple that the only tool you need is a toothpick! Pierce the dumpling with a toothpick and if it comes out clean, you're good to go.

Can you pan fry dumplings without boiling? ›

Step 1: Pan-Fry

Heat a couple tablespoons of oil in the bottom of a non-stick or cast iron skillet over moderate heat until shimmering. Add the dumplings in a single layer and cook, swirling the pan, until an even deep golden brown on the bottom, one to two minutes. Swirling is important—it creates a more even crust.

How do you know when pan-fried dumplings are done? ›

Working in batches, add dumplings in a single layer and cook until bottoms begin to brown, about 30 seconds. Add 1/2 cup water, cover and cook for 3 minutes; uncover and cook until the liquid has evaporated completely and the bottoms are crisp and golden brown, about 2 more minutes.

Can you overcook dumplings? ›

Now, if you overcook your soup dumplings like this, then your dumplings will be looking like a cone shaped top hat thing. with no soup and looking super flat and sad. And we don't want that for you. Here's a difference in cook soup dumplings and overcooked ones.

How to keep dumplings from sticking together? ›

Add a teaspoon of vegetable oil to stop the dumplings sticking together. Carefully drop frozen dumplings into the boiling water. Cook for 8-10 minutes until the dumplings are tender and rise to the surface.

Is it better to steam or pan fry dumplings? ›

The steaming process is what creates the shiny-looking soft exterior! Steaming is the traditional way of preparing dumplings and has never gone out of style. Many people around the world are loyal to this method of cooking and prefer it over pan-fried dumplings.

How to fry dumplings in cast iron skillet? ›

Heat the oil in a cast iron skillet on high heat until it reaches the smoke point. Add the frozen dumplings directly from the freezer into the pan. Sear the bottom of the dumplings for 2 minutes, and then turn the heat down to medium and add 1 cup of water. Cover the pan and let the dumplings steam for 10 minutes.

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