Jamie Oliver Signature Dishes - Steak Sarnie (2024)

Jamie Oliver Signature Dishes - Steak Sarnie (1)

Alongside chasing turkey twizzlers out of school dinners, Jamie is famous for his Italian and American inspired dishes, but it’s his classic, rustic and simple steak sarnie (from his Meals in 30 Minutes book). This steak sarnie recipe remains one of Jamie Oliver’s most famous dishes.


Season the steaks with the salt, pepper, thyme and olive oil before pounding the meat tender. Place the steaks on a preheated hot griddle pan and cook them for one minute on each side for medium rare.

Let the steaks rest on a clean chopping board and season again before finely chopping your bell peppers and parsley. Mix the peppers and parsley with the juices of your steak, which should be on the chopping board.

Slice the steak and add to the parsley, pepper and juice mix and place on top of a toasted ciabatta loaf spread with olive oil. Place rocket on the other half of the loaf for a perfect steak sarnie.

Jamie Oliver Signature Dishes - Steak Sarnie (2024)
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