Lacto-Fermentation Problems Troubleshooting (2024)

You’ve just done a lacto-fermentation (vegetable fermentation), and you’re wondering if everything is going well in your jar? Think you’ve got a problem?

First of all, don’t panic! Lacto-fermentation is very safe. Thanks to the acidic environment created by the good bacteria, no harmful bacteria can develop, as they cannot tolerate acidity.

So, there’s no risk of botulism, salmonella, listeria, E. coli or anything else. In fact, fermentation is safer than raw vegetables and canned food!

If your lacto-fermentation fails, the signs are unmistakable: repulsive smells, hairy mould on the surface, flashy colours, etc.

Read on to discover the different phenomena that can occur in your jar. While some situations are normal, others may indicate a problem.

If you had to remember just one piece of advice, it would be this one:

When in doubt, rely on your senses. If it smells or tastes bad, throw it out!

Go straight to your question:

Mould and yeast

  • What’s that white film on the surface?
  • What are the white particles at the bottom of the jar?
  • What to do if there’s mould?

Colour change

  • My garlic has turned blue or green
  • The colour has changed during fermentation


  • The brine has disappeared
  • The brine has become cloudy
  • The brine has become sticky
  • The brine bubbles (or not…)


  • My lacto-fermentation smells of sulphur
  • My fermentation smells of vinegar
  • My jar smells of putrefaction

Flavours and textures

  • My vegetables have become soft
  • My fermentation is too salty

Mould and Yeast in Fermentation

Is it normal to have a white film on the surface?

If there’s a whitish layer on the surface of your lacto-fermentation jar, it’s probably a biofilm called “Kahm yeast”. It’s harmless!

Microorganisms can build up a delicate, white biofilm that doesn’t smell much. This film covers all or part of the surface of the liquid in your fermentation jar.

Kahm yeast may appear when the fermentation temperature is high (above 25°C), or when the brine is low in salt.

Lacto-Fermentation Problems Troubleshooting (1)

This biofilm is harmless to health. However, it can alter the texture and taste of vegetables. It is, therefore, better to remove this film with a spoon and place the jar in the fridge.

Tip: Keeping the fermentation in a cool place can prevent or reduce the development of Kham yeast.

What Are the White Particles at the Bottom of the Jar?

White deposits at the bottom of the jar are normal – they’re partly yeast and leftovers from fermentation (salt, sugar, etc.).

Rest assured: in lacto-fermentation, everything that happens below the surface is harmless.

What Should I Do if There’s Mould in My Fermentation?

Moulds have a powdery, felted, almost “hairy” appearance. They are often blue, green, gray, black, or sometimes white.

The picture below shows examples of mould in fermentation.

Lacto-Fermentation Problems Troubleshooting (2)

If mould has settled in your fermentation jar, unfortunately, you’ll have to throw it out and start again. Remember to sanitize your equipment before trying again.

If there is mould, it’s because your vegetables weren’t covered sufficiently by the brine (and therefore came into contact with oxygen), or that there was too much free space in your jar. Next time, follow our complete guide to lacto-fermentation.

We don’t recommend eating foods with mould.

However, many fermenters remove the mouldy part, especially when it’s small, (and whatever is no longer submerged in brine), and eat the vegetables below, if they have a good smell and texture. At your own risk!

Colour change

Why Has My Fermented Garlic Turned Blue or Green?

Garlic sometimes turns blue or green during fermentation. This is normal and harmless!

This colour change is due to a compound in the garlic that reacts to the acid in the fermentation process. This does not affect the taste or texture of your fermented garlic. Everything’s fine, you can eat it!

To find out more, see Why Does My Fermented Garlic Turn Blue or Green?

Is It Normal for the Colour of My Vegetables to Change During Fermentation?

Yes, the colour of vegetables often becomes duller during fermentation. Some vegetables, like beetroot or red cabbage, can also colour the rest of the jar.

For example, we use a small beetroot to colour the turnips in our recipe for Fermented Lebanese Pink Pickled Turnips!

Lacto-Fermentation Problems Troubleshooting (3)

However, if there’s a dramatic colour change, it’s bad. It’s extremely rare, but if, for example, your carrots turn black, your sauerkraut turns pink or your cauliflower turns bright orange, and there’s no logical explanation, trust your common sense. Throw it out!


Why Has My Brine Disappeared?

Fermented vegetables sometimes become dry during fermentation.

There are three possible reasons for this:

  • The vegetables have reabsorbed the brine
  • CO2 pressure produced by fermentation pushed the brine out of the jar
  • The brine has evaporated over time

Notice a lack of brine in the first 4 days of fermentation? You can open the jar and pour in a little salt water to cover the vegetables. Before closing, make sure that all the vegetables and the weight are well covered.

Notice a lack of brine after 4 days of fermentation? Don’t touch anything. The oxygen in the jar has probably been expelled by the CO2 produced during fermentation, creating a small plug that protects the vegetables.

Should My Brine Become Cloudy?

Yes, it’s perfectly normal for your lacto-fermentation brine to become slightly opaque and whitish. It’s not dangerous!

Some vegetables, like beans or pickles, will turn the brine white in a few days. This means that the good bacteria are doing their job!

Lacto-Fermentation Problems Troubleshooting (4)

The floating particles will eventually settle at the bottom of the jar, and the brine should clear up slightly over time.

Why Has My Brine Become Slimy?

Lacto-fermentation brines can become slimy, but this phenomenon is harmless. It is caused by harmless bacteria.

Possible causes:

  • Fermentation temperature too low or too high
  • External source of bacteria (whey, etc.)
  • Very sweet vegetables (e.g. beetroot)

Tip: if you don’t like the texture of your lacto-fermentation, you can incorporate it into dishes such as salads, stir-fries, or soups.

My Brine Is Making Bubbles! Is This Normal?

Yes, it’s perfectly normal! Fermentation is going well and creating CO2, which is trapped in the container. Let the little bubbles do their thing 😉

On the other hand, there are no bubbles in your jar and no sign of fermentation? If you’re still in the early days of your recipe, be patient. Fermentation is a process that is not always visible.

Your fermentation was very active in the first few days, but since then there’s been no sign of life? Once again, this is completely normal. Some fermentations are very active for the first few days, and then settle down.

Lacto-Fermentation Smells

Is It Normal for My Lacto-Fermentation to Smell of Sulphur?

It can happen. Some fermented vegetables may smell of sulphur after fermentation, but they still taste delicious and are harmless.

Onions, radishes, and cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, cauliflower, etc.) can smell of sulphur. This smell is often present in the first few days of fermentation but disappears with prolonged fermentation.

It’s like the smell of a strong cheese… One day, you’ll love it ;)

My Fermentation Smells of Vinegar, but I Didn’t Add Any…

A vinegary smell at the end of fermentation is perfectly normal. The environment in which your vegetables are immersed has become more acidic and, with that, comes a smell and taste reminiscent of vinegar.

Note: lacto-fermentation contains lactic acid, whereas vinegar is made of acetic acid. Vinegar generally smells and tastes spicier.

My Jar Smells of Putrefaction. Is This Normal?

No. Lacto-fermentation should not smell of rotting vegetables.

If you can’t put the jar under your nose because the fermentation smells bad, throw it out! Use your common sense.

Vegetable Texture and Salt

Is It Normal for My Vegetables to Become Soft?

Yes, vegetables tend to soften during fermentation. Don’t worry, they’re still very tasty.

Several factors influence texture:

  • Fermentation time
  • Salt concentration
  • Temperature
  • Type of vegetables used

Tip: Incorporate fermented vegetables that have become too soft into sauces or soups.

For your next trials, consider adding a source of tannins (oak leaf, raspberry leaf, grape leaf, etc.) or calcium chloride to keep them crunchy!

To find out more about the factors that affect texture, read How to Preserve Vegetables with Fermentation.

My Fermentation Is Too Salty! What Can I Do About It?

Have you dropped the salt shaker in your sauerkraut recipe (or any other fermentation recipe)? The easiest thing to do is to rinse it off straight away or add more vegetables until it tastes just right.

The salt content does not decrease during fermentation. If it’s too salty on day 1, it will be just as salty on day 30.

If you realize that your fermentation is too salty when you’re ready to eat it, you can rinse it (but you’ll lose a lot of flavour and nutrients) or start a new one by incorporating the old one with an equivalent or greater quantity of fresh vegetables.

Follow the normal lacto-fermentation procedure and let it ferment for at least a week.

A final option is to consume your over-salted fermentation by adding it to other dishes with little (or no) salt.

Click here to find out more about salt in lacto-fermentation.

To find out more

  • How to Ferment Vegetables (Lacto-Fermentation)
  • How to Choose Your Lacto-Fermentation Supplies?
  • See our fermented vegetables recipes
  • Buy lacto-fermentation equipment
Lacto-Fermentation Problems Troubleshooting (2024)


How do you know if lacto-fermentation is bad? ›

If your lacto-fermentation fails, the signs are unmistakable: repulsive smells, hairy mould on the surface, flashy colours, etc.

What are the common problems encountered in the fermentation process? ›

Mushy ferments are often indication of improper fermentation due to a weak brine, too high a temperature during fermentation, uneven salt distribution or air pockets. Mushiness is caused by spoilage microorganisms, but pathogenic microorganism can also be present; it is best practice to discard.

How do you troubleshoot fermentation? ›

Fermentation Troubleshooting:

Just skim it off. Usually means too much oxygen is present. Top off with supplementary brine*, if necessary. Slimy, mushy vegetables: possibly fermented at too high a temperature, not enough salt or the produce was not fresh enough.

Why is my ferment not bubbling? ›

By far, the #1 reason for a wine fermentation to not start bubbling is because of temperature. Wine yeast is very sensitive to temperature… some strains more than others. My recommendation is to keep your fermentation between 70° F.

What happens if fermentation goes wrong? ›

Botulism, E. coli and salmonella are the main hazards for fermented foods. Botulism can form in oxygen-free conditions if a fermentation is not successful and acid levels are too low.

How to tell if fermentation is working? ›

Bubbling. The lactic acid fermentation process produces lactic acid bacteria that create gases when they feast on the vegetables. These gases are often visible as bubbles throughout the jar after a few days at room temperature and are a good sign.

What causes failure in fermentation? ›

The Fermentation Temperature is too Hot or Too Cold: Wine yeast like to ferment between 70-75 degrees Fahrenheit--72 degrees being ideal. Fermentations that are too cool may become very sluggish and quite often will not ferment at all. Fermentations that are too warm can perform poorly as well.

What can go wrong during fermentation? ›

The Five Most Common Vegetable Fermentation Mistakes
  • Not weighing your ingredients.
  • Using the wrong salt concentration.
  • Not keeping everything submerged.
  • Not fermenting for a long enough time.
  • Adding unnecessary ingredients.
Jan 12, 2021

What are the 7 factors that affect fermentation? ›

Temperature, pH, aeration, substrate concentration, and nutrient availability all influence the fermentation process and metabolic processes.

How do you know if fermentation is stuck? ›

You can catch a stalling fermentation within the first 24 hours by noticing that your pH levels aren't falling rapidly. Because beer doesn't ferment at a constant rate, after this one-day window you shouldn't worry until the gravity reading has stagnated for at least 48-to-72 hours.

How do you test fermentation? ›

During fermentation most bacteria convert carbohydrates into organic acids, with or without the production of gas. One can test for this by adding a pH indicator and an inverted tube (a Durham tube) to the culture medium.

How do you revive a stuck fermentation? ›

Simply move the fermenter to an area that is room temperature, or 68-70 °F. In most cases, too low a temperature is the cause of a stuck fermentation, and bringing the temp up is enough to get it going again. Open up the fermenter, and rouse the yeast by stirring it with a sanitized spoon.

Why is my airlock moving but not bubbling? ›

If an airlock fails to bubble, all it means is that the pressure within the fermentor isn't high enough to make it do so. This can easily happen if the lid isn't fully closed, or if the seal isn't perfect.

What should you not do during fermentation? ›

In lacto-fermentation, air is the enemy! Although it is tempting, you should not open the jar during the fermentation of your vegetables. If you do, you expose your vegetables to all sorts of moulds, yeast, and other microorganisms.

What does bad fermentation look like? ›

Big patches of different color are a major indicator of spoilage. Obvious surface scum or growths. Anything that looks like it's growing on the surface of your ferment isn't a good sign; it can indicate unwelcome bacterial or fungal growth and should generally be considered unsafe. Unpleasant smell.

How to know if fermentation is safe? ›

Fermented foods must maintain proper temperature throughout the entire fermentation and reach a pH of 4.6 or less within the allotted time to be considered safe and free from harmful pathogens. The specific temperature and allotted time safety interval your food requires will be listed on your starter culture packet.

What is the shelf life of lacto-fermentation? ›

In The Refrigerator

I did lose a few jars to mold or rot. However, the very large majority – probably at least 90% – kept for 6-7 months in a refrigerator. Using this method of cold storage, I recommend allowing the vegetables to fully ferment before transferring to the refrigerator.

How do you know if fermented milk is bad? ›

Signs your milk has spoiled

The scent is hard to miss and gets stronger with time. The taste also begins to change, as the natural sweetness of fresh milk is quickly replaced by a somewhat acidic or sour flavor.

What happens if you eat bad fermented food? ›

If the food you're fermenting isn't properly prepared (e.g., not washing hands, supplies, ingredients, etc.) or stored, you risk having harmful bacteria in your food, which can lead to food poisoning. People with weakened immune systems, pregnant women, and children should especially watch out for this.

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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.