Macaron Food Coloring (2024)

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ByCamila Hurst Posted on Updated on


This is a question I get day in and day out: What’s the best macaron food coloring?

So I figured I would do a whole special post talking about how to pick the best macaron food coloring brand and style, and also how to use it with your macarons.

When to add food coloring to the macaron batter, how much food coloring to add to the macaron batter, and more tips below!

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Macaron Food Coloring (1)

Table of Contents - Hide

1.Types of food coloring

2.Liquid food coloring

3.Gel food coloring

4.Powder food coloring

5.Natural food coloring

6.When to add food coloring to macarons?

7.Can beginners add food coloring to their macarons?

8.How to obtain a vibrant macaron shell color?

9.How to keep my macarons from browning and the color from fading in the oven?

10.How to make white macarons

11.How to make black macarons

12.Tips for adding food coloring to macarons

Types of food coloring

There are a few different kinds of food coloring: gel, liquid, powder, or natural.

Gel food coloring is made out of a synthetic color + corn syrup (or glycerin) base.

Liquid food coloring is made out of synthetic color + water base.

Powder food coloring can have different ingredients depending on the brand. I will be covering the brand The Sugar Art here (not sponsored). So for the purposes of The Sugar Art powder food coloring, they are made of synthetic dye.

Natural food coloring could be ingredients such as freeze dried fruit powder, turmeric, hibiscus powder, beet root powder.

So let’s go over each one of those to find out what’s the best food coloring to use for macarons.

Macaron Food Coloring (2)

Liquid food coloring

Can I use liquid food coloring for macarons?

The answer is no, but maybe. I’ll explain.

I do know of a couple of bakers who use liquid water based food coloring for macarons. These are very experienced macaron bakers, who have been baking for many years, and they know their batter, they know the brands they can use, how much of it, and how it will affect their shells.

The reason why you shouldn’t use liquid water based food coloring is because it will add water to the batter, which will dissolve the protein bonds formed during the meringue stage.

If you are a beginner or intermediate, stay away from liquid water based food coloring as it may cause you unnecessary issues that can easily be avoided by using gel or powder food coloring.

Macaron Food Coloring (3)

Gel food coloring

Gel food coloring is, in my opinion one of the best options to use for macarons.

Gel food coloring is more concentrated, so you need less of it than water based food coloring, which makes it perfect for macarons.

My favorite brand of gel food coloring is from Americolor, and my favorite kits are this one, and this one.

The first kit has more basic colors, like violet, pink, royal blue, teal, sky blue, red, super black.

And the second kit has some amazing colors I can’t live without such as egg yellow (so much prettier than lemon yellow imo), mauve, burgundy, dusty rose. These are some of my favorite colors.

While I mostly use Americolor nowadays, I used a lot of Wilton in the past.

Wilton has a gel food coloring which comes in a container that you have to scoop the food coloring with a spoon or small scoop. That specific food coloring seems to be too liquidy and runny, and I always feel like I need to add more of it for my colors, but it works if you aren’t going for a bright red or something like that. So if using Wilton I prefer the Color Right Set.

Another gel food coloring recommended to me by my friend Lina was Cake Craft, it’s pictured above, but it is currently unavailable. It’s a fairly decent food coloring, but does not yield very vibrant colors, and you’d have to use a lot of it to obtain dark tones, but it is great for pastels.

Macaron Food Coloring (4)

Powder food coloring

I am specifically going to cover The Sugar Art powder food coloring here, the Master Elite set. It’s become super popular with macaron bakers.

A lot of people swear by it.

I do like it, but I don’t use it as often. I’ve been using it mostly to color white chocolate, or buttercream.

The advantages of using this food coloring:

  • You only need about 1/4 teaspoon of food coloring since it’s super concentrated.
  • Since it’s a powder, and you need so little of it, it likely won’t alter your batter consistency too much, if at all, since you aren’t adding any moisture, or enough powder to absorb any liquid.

The disadvantage is that it takes a while for the color to fully develop (about 15 minutes), and you can’t let the batter rest for 15 minutes after adding the food coloring to see what color it will be, to then evaluate if you have to add more or not. At that point it will be too late and you shouldn’t add anything and stir the batter anymore.

So to me the disadvantage is that you can’t fully control the color with Master Elite. If you aren’t too attached to what color the final batter turns out, or if you aren’t being too specific about what color you are trying to achieve, I’d say it’s a great option.

But sometimes I have a very specific color and tone in mind, and I know my way around Americolor gel food coloring a little bit better.

Again, this is totally a matter of preference, and I know of a lot of bakers who are completely enamored with this brand.

To the batch below I had added 1/4 teaspoon of orange powdered food coloring. It turned out pretty vibrant, but I did want a more vibrant orange that day, but by the time the color had developed, it was too late to add any more color and I couldn’t stir the batter any longer or it would become over mixed.

Macaron Food Coloring (5)

Natural food coloring

Natural food coloring can come as powders or in liquid form.

Some brands have lines of “less processed food colorings” in liquid form, and I have never seen a brand that works well for macarons. They all fade when baked. The natural liquid food colorings may have natural ingredients such as spirulina in the composition, but they also have ingredients such as potato maltodextrin, and glycose syrup solids which are processed.

And even the packaging of brands such as McCormick, Chefmaster lines of natural food colorings recommends not using them to color baked food. And most of the reviews on Amazon are less than satisfactory.

Natural food coloring could also be ingredients such as freeze dried fruit powder, turmeric, hibiscus powder, beet root powder.

Be very mindful adding those to your macaron batter. First, freeze dried fruit powder won’t really dye the food. I made freeze dried strawberries macarons without adding any color.

The batter was a faded pink before baking, and after baking it became orange. Too bad I didn’t get a photo of it. But trust me, don’t let the pretty pink below fool you, it literally became a faded orange with no traces of pink once baked.

Macaron Food Coloring (6)

Also be very aware of adding ingredients to your macaron batter, things like turmeric can break your meringue.

And any time you add too much of something foreign to the macaron batter you run the risk of ruining the whole batch.

In the example below, I had added too much strawberry freeze dried powder to my macaron batter.

Macaron Food Coloring (7)

And many of the natural powders will also fade or change tones as you bake them in the oven. So be aware of that, and always always be careful with adding too much of it to the batter.

When experimenting, add very little, so you don’t compromise your whole batch. And just know ahead that you won’t be able to achieve the bright vibrant colors with those natural powders. You will need the synthetic colors to make that happen, and I understand some people don’t like the synthetic colors, so it’s a matter of your preference.

Macaron Food Coloring (8)

Now let’s cover some popular questions around food coloring.

When to add food coloring to macarons?

I have heard of people who like to add their Master Elite powder to the egg whites before even whipping them, in order to allow for the color to fully develop. While I have never done this, I assume it works since others do it.

Usually I like to add food coloring to the batter along with the dry ingredients.

Macaron Food Coloring (9)

I am pretty familiar with my gel colors, so I know more or less how much to add to obtain the color I am looking for.

Another time where you can add the food coloring is along with the meringue, at the final stages of whipping.

Macaron Food Coloring (10)

And then you can add more color later on once you add the dry ingredients in.

Adding the food coloring along with the meringue is actually a good idea specially because it gives you a better chance of fixing the color later in case you need to add more. Because sometimes you do notice you need to add more food coloring, but you simply can’t because if you fold the batter any longer it will become over mixed.

Macaron Food Coloring (11)

Can beginners add food coloring to their macarons?

A lot of macaron teachers advise people to not add food coloring as a beginner baker.

That’s because since you have just started, it’s better to first learn what the batter is supposed to look and feel like before adding any other elements to it.

Adding food coloring will alter the consistency of the batter, and if you have more experience with macarons, you will know how to navigate those changes.

Not to mention that, often times, people will get carried away with adding food coloring, after stirring for a while and realizing that the color isn’t what they wanted, they will continue to add food coloring and stir, which will cause the batter to be over mixed.

Macaron Food Coloring (12)

How to obtain a vibrant macaron shell color?

First, make sure to use either gel or powder food coloring made from synthetic colors, not natural colors.

Second, you may have to add a lot of it.

For my red macarons, such as the Apple Macarons, the Heart Macarons, the Cranberry Macarons, I usually have to add a lot of food coloring, more than two teaspoons.

So the formula is simple: add more of it, and make sure to use the right kind.

Macaron Food Coloring (13)

How to keep my macarons from browning and the color from fading in the oven?

If you are trying to achieve a light color, and the macarons are either browning, or the color is fading in the oven, my recommendations are to:

  • place a piece of foil over the macarons half way through baking.
  • make sure to not use natural powders, that will naturally fade and change colors.
Macaron Food Coloring (14)

How to make white macarons

To keep white macarons from browning use the same trick from above. Cover them with foil halfway through baking.

I used to add a smidge of purple to my batter to offset the yellow-ish tones, but doesn’t make much of a difference.

Some people like using Master Elite white powdered color, which contains Titanium Dioxide. I don’t use it personally, but lots of bakers love it.

For me the foil trick works wonderfully, check it out below, the macaron on the left was baked without being covered by foil. The macaron on the right was covered by foil halfway through baking, and look at the difference, even in the feet.

Macaron Food Coloring (15)

How to make black macarons

I’ve made a couple of different black macarons, or macarons with black colors in them, like my Galaxy Macarons.

Macaron Food Coloring (16)

Some people like to use black cocoa powder for their black macarons, or the black powder food coloring by The Sugar Art.

I have heard lots of people reporting their macarons getting wrinkled with the use of black cocoa powder, so even though I have black cocoa powder at home, I decided to try using food coloring first to see if it would work, and then attempting the black cocoa powder as an option in case it didn’t work well with the food coloring.

So first I attempted to use the black powder, but I wasn’t successful, the color wasn’t developing fast enough, and it was hard to gauge how much food coloring I actually needed.

So I used AmeriColor Super Black food coloring, and that’s what I recommend for black macarons. They turned out super vibrant and beautiful.

It comes in a small container.

Or in a large container. I recommend already getting the large container, specially because if something goes wrong with one or two batches you will have more food coloring to attempt again.

It is cheaper to get the bigger bottle anyway.

And yes you could run into some issues while dying a batter with so much food coloring. You will need to add a lot of it, there’s no way around it. Unless you want your batter to turn out grey.

So remember to add about 1/2 teaspoon in the beginning and quickly evaluate if you need more. Add more before the batter is done being folded, or you will run the risk of over mixing the batter while trying to achieve the color you are looking for.

Macarons with lots of food coloring need a lot of time drying, so have that in mind as well, drying time will be longer than normal.

Tips for adding food coloring to macarons

  • When adding food coloring to your batter, have in mind the tone will fade a bit when baked, so go for one or two tones more vibrant than what you would like the final result to be, because the color will get a bit duller after the macarons come out of the oven.
  • Always rest the macarons enough, specially if adding a lot of food coloring. The following batch was not rested enough and look at what happened. They cracked. Sometimes they will crack, other times they will get wrinkled.
Macaron Food Coloring (17)
  • When using ingredients such as freeze dried fruit powder, cocoa powder, matcha, etc, keep it to a minimum, because they can alter the batter significantly.
  • Be careful not to over mix the batter while adding food coloring, in order to try to achieve a certain tone. If the batter is almost done being folded, it’s not a good idea to continue to add food coloring, even if you haven’t achieved the color you wanted.
Macaron Food Coloring (18)

I hope today’s post has helped clear out some of your macaron food coloring questions.

If you have any more questions about it feel free to leave them below.

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  1. Fantásticos!!!!!!


  2. Brilliant. Thanks.


    1. Thank you so much!


  3. Absolutely love your vibrant colors. Thanks so much for sharing all your tips and recipes.


    1. Thank you so much!


      1. Great website and wonderful advices. I’ve just baked (successfully) my 2 first batches of macarons, after watching a few of your videos.
        Thank you so much!!!


        1. thank you Sue, very nice to hear that!


  4. Wonderful and thorough guide. I enjoyed reading it!!😊


    1. Awe that makes me so happy thank you!!!


  5. So helpful! Thank you!


    1. awesome thank you!


  6. Very helpful! From reading your other posts I understand that drying time depends on weather/environment, but approx how long do you dry your macarons that have a lot of food coloring?


    1. It depends on how much coloring you add. Dry them until they feel dry to the touch. And even if they are dry on the surface, sometimes you will touch them but your finger will make a big indent that won’t bounce back, in that case you need to rest a bit longer. When you touch them gently, the indent formed by your finger should bounce back.


  7. Yay!!! This is has me so nervous but SO excited to try macarons. For the longest time I didn’t have a stand mixer or a kitchen scale and I’ve finally got the equipment I need so no more excuses! Thanks so much for all these wonderful tips!


    1. That’s awesome!!!!


  8. I never let the macarons to rest and there coming out perfect! But still I can’t achieve the dark colors I want, so you think I should let them just rest? And that will work?


  9. The pink ones in the main photo are stunning. Was that done with Americolor? Can you share the color name and how much you used to get that vibrancy, if you remember?


    1. It was fuschia by americolor, and I have no idea how much I added, maybe you try to see in the video https://www.piesandtacos.comraspberry-macarons/ and get a sense of how much should be added. I just add it until I obtain the color I love.


  10. Wow! Thank you for sharing your knowledge! I am excited to try my first colorless Macaron batter. Again, thank you. I enjoy reading your posts.


    1. thank you so much Francine!


  11. I found that when you use a lot of the ameri colour food colouring it has a taste to the mixture so are you not finding that with the huge amount you used in some of your baking when you needed a vibrant colour black definitely has the taste


    1. I use a lot of americolor, and I try macarons every day, and I dont think it adds taste to the macarons.


  12. Hi! Thank you so much for sharing your art! I have made many of your recipes, all without a single issue….until today. I tried to color my shells with Americolor gel (I wanted a vibrant orange) and they turned out completely flat, wrinkled, and cracked. Could I have added too much coloring?


    1. I add a lot of food coloring sometimes, even half of a small bottle, like a whole tablespoon of it. So that was probably not the issue, it could have been over mixing, as you continued to add the color and you mixed too much, it could have been the case that it didn’t dry enough before baking, making macarons with vibrant colors can be tricky at first.


      1. Thank you so much for your fast response. I think I over mixed. I will try again today!


  13. Your website is excellent.! All finer points so well explained. Thanks so much and all
    the very best to you.!


  14. Thanks! One question: how can i divide one batter over several colors? Without overmixing the batter…


    1. Mix the meringue with dry ingredients just until incorporated, then divide the batter between different bowls (for example 3 bowls if you wanna make 3 colors), and color each bowl separately. Leave the remaining bowls covered while working with one bowl.
      You won’t be able to mix too long so it’s important to get the color right fast, because if you are like: “oh this isnt the color I want” and you continue to add food coloring to the batter you may end up over mixing in trying to achieve the color you want.
      I have a few posts about this: https://www.piesandtacos.commulti-colored-macaron-shells/
      I show it in several videos also
      and many more!! 🙂


  15. What method did you use to achieve these macarons, was it the French method?


    1. Swiss method, all recipes are here on my blog.


  16. Hi Camilla, thank you so much for all your blogs so helpful.
    Just a question if I may,the master elite white,I found that I had to use 4g of powder to get the white,is that going to comprise the macaron
    Thank you

    1. It won’t compromise it, you are fine.


  17. Hi! So I love everything you shared with us. I’m curious as to know how long you should dry your macarons when using a lot of gel color? I let mine dry for an hour and baked them for 17 minutes at 300 degrees. I let them cool for about 20 minutes and they still came out moist. Also should I be using a silicon mat or parchment paper instead. I don’t find the silicone mats to be working out that great for me!


    1. Thank you so much! I let them dry for way over an hour if they have a lot of food coloring, even 2 hours or longer. And I absolutely love silicone mats, I can’t use parchment, because of the wrinkly bottoms and misshapen shells.


  18. This article is fantastic! When covering macarons with foil to prevent browning, is it okay for the foil to touch the tops of the macarons?


    1. It is ok but the macarons have to be almost entirely baked, which is why you should only do that during the final 5 minutes of baking.


  19. Hey Camila, I want to try this method as I fail almost every time I make macarons the other way! Would like to ask if too much powder food color would affect the consistency? How much would you recommend because I have powder food color. Thanks 😊


    1. ive only used the sugar art powder food coloring, and you only need even less than 1/4 tsp of it, no it doesnt affect the consistency. I dont know about any other brands tho.


  20. I thought wilton color right food coloring was liquid. Is it gel? I used it and my batter was too soft and never dried (italian method)


    1. It’s ultra concentrated, I used to use that one with success so I doubt it was what affected your batter. I haven’t used it in a couple of years though.


  21. Hi Camilla can you send me macarons recipe original please


  22. Muchas gracias por tus consejos y sugerencias. Ayer hice macarons de choclate despues de mucho tiempo, probando ademas mi nuevo termometro de horno y todo resultó muy bien!! Estoy feliz por ello.. Saludos desde Chile


  23. The white macaron example you talked about using foil to cover the macarons during the baking process. The photo shows the Theo macarons – the one on the left has a shinier top and more ruffled feet – white the one on the right I had beater feet and a not so smooth and shiny top. My question is disregarding the whiter macaron look you were trying to achieve in general – What in your opinion is a better macaron look to strive for? Thanks Camilla xxx


    1. That vastly depends on preference, method you use, how long you rest the macarons, the temperature you bake, and your oven. So what you should strive for, is macaron shells that are sturdy, not fragile or completely hollow. And the feet you can go with what you prefer. Some people prefer tall, more ruffled feet, others prefer smaller feet. It’s a matter of preference and what you are able to achieve. So for example if your feet are coming out small and youd prefer taller ruffled feet, you could do a few things to try and achieve that, such as letting the macarons rest longer, baking them at a higher temperature, whipping the meringue longer, or macaronaging longer. Having in mind that anytime you experiment with any of those elements, you can also run into issues, for example, in whipping the meringue longer, you can cause your shells to be hollow. So you might have to experiment a few times with a few different elements in order to achieve what you are looking for.


  24. When you use powdered food coloring, do you add it to the dry ingredients before macronage or do you add it to the egg whites when whipping the meringue?


    1. it’s best to add powder as soon as possible, for example with the egg whites and sugar syrup, or as soon as you start to whip the meringue. however, that’s not possible if you are splitting the batter to make different colors, in that case add when doing the macaronage.


  25. I went to a macaron baking class in Paris once, and the teacher recommended a brand of powdered food coloring called Lés Intenses (Or maybe Déco Relief?) and a store to buy it at (in Paris only though) The food colorings were a bit pricy (I think around 4+ euros depending on color) so I only bought one of this brand (In rose color) and 2 of another brand. The two other brands were much worse and ended up a dull greyish color, but I would highly recommend buying the Intense brand, as you only really need a pinch to make it very vibrant, and just one 50g bottle has lasted me for almost 2 years! This powdered dye brand is much better than the other gel brands I use now.


  26. Can you make chocolate macarons and add black powder or gel? When I need black buttercream frosting, I start with chocolate buttercream frosting.


    1. yes you can! It helps get a deeper color.


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Macaron Food Coloring (25)

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Macaron Food Coloring (2024)


What type of food coloring is best for macarons? ›

Gel food coloring is more concentrated, so you need less of it than water based food coloring, which makes it perfect for macarons. My favorite brand of gel food coloring is from Americolor, and my favorite kits are this one, and this one.

Can I use liquid food coloring instead of gel for macarons? ›

Gel colors are excellent for macarons because they have a lot of pigment with a small amount of moisture. Using liquid food colors will make your batter too runny and negatively affect the outcome of your macs.

Can you paint macarons with food coloring? ›

The best food coloring for macarons is gel food coloring. This food coloring is my favorite and I use it for the macaron batter and also to decorate the shells after baking.

Can too much food coloring make macarons crack? ›

Too much food coloring will cause the macarons to crack because of the high moisture level in the shells. Macarons can't have too much moisture in them, which is why we usually rest them, because that helps them dry a bit. If you add a lot of food coloring, consider a longer resting time before baking.

What food coloring do professional bakers use? ›

Liquid Gel Food Coloring

This type of food coloring is commonly used by professional Pastry Chefs, Cake Decorators and Cookiers. Customers can often be found in the bakery aisles of their favorite craft stores, in cake decorating supplies stores or online.

Can I substitute regular food coloring for gel food coloring? ›

Gel/Paste Food Coloring

It's easy to over-do it, so start with a small amount of color and work your way up. Can be used interchangeably with liquid food coloring, just use less.

What food coloring is oil-based? ›

Popular Oil-based colors

AmeriColor Oil Candy Color, Chefmaster Candy Color, and Colour Mill Food Coloring are among some of the most popular oil-based food colors on the market.

Can I use liquid food coloring for meringue? ›

When colouring meringues always use gel colours. Because gel colours have a lower moisture content than conventional liquid food colours, you can achieve the same colour intensity by using much less.

What is the best food Colouring for macarons? ›

Here's why you might choose powdered colors: Strength: Master Elites are the strongest food coloring on the market, as they do not require any water or preservatives as gels do. They are 100% pigment. Stability: Powdered colors are less likely to affect the consistency of your macaron batter, since they are dry.

How to get royal blue macarons? ›

When looking to achieve the royal blue coloring, remember to use paste food color rather than liquid or gel food color. Working with liquid or gel food color will cause the color of your Royal Blue Velvet Cake to vary.

How to make coloured macaroons? ›

Food coloring: Make sure to use gel food coloring. If you are a beginner macaron baker, I recommend going easy on the food coloring, as it can alter your batter a lot, and it can take extra mixing time, especially if you continue to add the food coloring as you do the macaronage.

What is the best icing to decorate macarons with? ›

Royal icing is actually super easy to make. And you can test the consistency before piping on the macaron, and add more water or more sugar to make it thinner, or thicker. I do recommend the royal icing instead of using the macaron batter for this technique.

Can I use liquid food coloring instead of gel? ›

Basically the difference between the three types of food coloring is dilution level. Less liquid = more concentrated color. In general, gel/paste food coloring can be used interchangeably with liquid coloring, you will simply need to use much less (gel/paste colors can be very cost effective!).

What do you use to draw on macarons? ›

All you need is some high-quality food coloring gel, a food-safe paintbrush, and a bit of vodka or almond extract. I probably should have inserted some sort of joke here about drinking vodka to reduce the stress of making macarons, but it's actually for your paint! It's the perfect solvent for your gel food coloring.

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