Produce Trends (2024)

Produce Trends - Nov 14, 2022

Posted by Full Harvest on Nov 14, 2022 1:00:00 AM


The cauliflower market is extremely tight at this time with supplies out of Salinas and Santa Maria, CA both limited. Heat, rain, and then cold temperatures have affected availability and prevented more supply from coming online. Demand is high, and you can expect the market to remain tight over the next week at least. See the Marketplace for availability.


Broccoli suppliers are limited at this time. Recent rain in the Salinas, CA area has further limited an already tight supply as the end of the season approached. There have been some quality issues causing lower yields as well. You can expect this market to remain high over the next week. See Broccoli availability.


The celery market is very active as demand increases due to the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. Oxnard and Santa Maria, CA are the main growing areas with strong availability as Salinas is finishing up. Supply is peaking on larger size. Recent rain and cold temperatures have begun to slow down production, but quality remains good. See Celery availability.

Tags: broccoli, cauliflower, celery

Produce Trends - Nov 7, 2022

Posted by Full Harvest on Nov 7, 2022 1:00:00 AM


Celery supplies are somewhat light, causing a stronger market. Most supply is out of Southern California, while Salinas is finishing up at this time. Larger sizing has the highest availability, and quality is above average. With the Thanksgiving holiday approaching, some suppliers expect supplies to tighten further over the coming weeks. See Celery availability.


The cauliflower market is very tight with limited supplies from Salinas and Santa Maria. Demand remains high, resulting in high pricing at this time. Quality is fair with some discoloration and smaller sizing. Recent cooler weather has resulted in lower yields. Supply is expected to remain tight throughout the week.See Cauliflower availability.


The Orange market is steady this week overall. Domestic Navels out of California are the main variety. 88ct and larger fruits are tight as the season begins, while 113-138 ct smaller fruits are peaking. Demand, supply, and quality are all good at this time. See Orange availability.

Tags: orange, cauliflower, celery

Produce Trends - Oct 3, 2022

Posted by Full Harvest on Oct 3, 2022 1:00:00 AM


The Cauliflower market is rising quickly due to tight supplies. Last week’s heat wave caused limited supply, and prices increased 36% from the previous week to a 10-year high! Pending more extreme weather, the market should hold steady going forward. Quality and sizing are mixed. See Cauliflower availability.

Summer Squash

Pear supply out of Washington is strong, while California is nearly finished for the season. So far, quality is high out of Washington with the majority of product packing out as #1. Pricing is steady. You can find organic Bartletts posted on the Marketplace now. See Summer Squash availability.


Lemon markets are up this week, with light supplies due to growing area transitions and high temperatures. Quality and volume will improve as the new crop gets started this week and production begins to ramp up. Currently, supply is peaking on choice grade 200 and 235cts. See Lemon availability.

Tags: lemon, cauliflower, summer squash

Produce Trends - Sept 26, 2022

Posted by Full Harvest on Sep 26, 2022 1:00:00 AM

Bell Pepper

Bell Pepper ​​markets are trending up on both coasts at this time, and are expected to remain that way for the next 2-3 weeks. Georgia will start in early October, while most East Coast volumes are coming from Canada and NY now. Western supplies were affected by the recent rain, with red and yellow bells being short. Supply and pricing should improve when Coachella starts up in mid-October. See Bell Pepper availability.


Pear supply out of Washington is strong, while California is nearly finished for the season. So far, quality is high out of Washington with the majority of product packing out as #1. Pricing is steady. You can find organic Bartletts posted on the Marketplace now. See Pear availability.


Recent high temperatures and rainy weather could start to affect cauliflower markets and pricing in the coming weeks. Supplies are still mostly steady in both the Salinas and Santa Maria areas, but we expect markets to rise. Quality is fair. See Cauliflower availability.

Tags: cauliflower, bell pepper, pear

Produce Trends - August 22, 2022

Posted by Full Harvest on Aug 22, 2022 1:00:00 AM


Overall, celery production continues to be strong with high availability out of Salinas and Southern California. Demand is moderate, leading to excess inventory and lower prices. Organic celery is especially strong this week, with prices at times below the conventional market. We recommend taking advantage of deals now while prices are low. See Celery availability.


The cauliflower market is flat this week, with good supply out of Salinas and Santa Maria and fairly good demand reported. There is little surplus product available. However, there are good opportunities for wrapped cauliflower. If you can handle wrapped product, we recommend taking advantage of deals on the excess product now. See Cauliflower availability.


The orange market is flat this week with supply remaining tight overall. Supplies of domestic Valencia oranges are loosening up due to more imported citrus becoming available. Quality is good with some regreening present in domestic product. Sizing is peaking on 88, 72, and 56 count product. See Orange availability.

Tags: orange, cauliflower, celery

Produce Trends - August 15, 2022

Posted by Full Harvest on Aug 15, 2022 1:00:00 AM


Overall, cucumber markets are steady with good volume available on both coasts. The west coast has especially strong supplies out of Santa Maria and Baja. On the East Coast, supply out of Michigan is up. You can anticipate California volume to decrease and the market to be slightly tighter over the coming weeks. See Cucumber availability.


Carrot markets are steady, with plentiful supply out of Mexico and the Bakersfield, CA region. With school starting up soon, demand is increasing, especially for value-added/snack pack carrots. See Carrot availability.


The cauliflower market is mostly steady this week, with strong supply and moderate demand. Salinas and Santa Maria, CA continue to produce good supplies. However, Mexico is producing lower yields due to some pest issues caused by hot and humid weather. 9ct and 16ct Cauliflower are tighter than other sizes. See Cauliflower availability.

Tags: cucumber, cauliflower, carrot

Produce Trends - August 1, 2022

Posted by Full Harvest on Aug 1, 2022 10:32:11 AM


Cauliflower prices are down this week due to steady supply. Quality is good overall but shows a range of sizes and some minor bruising. Availability continues to peak on 12ct product. Check out current availability on the Marketplace, including some great deals on the surplus wrapped product. See Cauliflower availability.


Cucumber supplies are good at this time, causing the pricing to come down. However, you can expect high temperatures to slow down production and availability over the next few weeks, potentially causing higher prices. Baja production will be picking up shortly, and product out of Central Mexico will be loading out of Texas. See Cucumber availability.

Bell Pepper

The West Coast bell pepper market continues to be high with tight availability. Western green bells are especially short and expected to remain in low volumes for at least another 2-3 weeks. Red and yellow bells are in a more steady supply at this time. On the East Coast, green bell supplies are solid with good quality and strong demand. However, Red and yellow bells are extremely short. High heat over the next few weeks is expected to limit production and reduce supply further. See Bell Pepper availability.

Tags: cucumber, cauliflower, bell pepper

Produce Trends - July 18, 2022

Posted by Full Harvest on Jul 18, 2022 1:00:00 AM


The Lemon market is steady overall, with less availability of fancy grade fruit than choice at this time. The peak available sizing and grade has shifted from large fancy to smaller choice grade fruit. Availability has shifted from the Central Valley to the Central California coast (Oxnard/Ventura Country). Fancy grade imports from Argentina and Chile are also starting up at this time. See Lemon availability.


Cauliflower supplies out of Salinas and Santa Maria, CA are both good at this time. However, pest issues due to high heat and humidity are causing lower yields in parts of Mexico. Overall, sizes are peaking on 12ct, with lower availability of 9ct and 16ct. See Cauliflower availability.


Carrot supplies are now high as the Bakersfield, CA region is in full production swing. You can find a variety of grades on the Full Harvest marketplace, both organic and conventional. See Carrot availability.

Tags: lemon, cauliflower, carrot

Produce Trends - June 27, 2022

Posted by Full Harvest on Jun 27, 2022 1:00:00 AM


Lemon markets are mostly steady at this time with good quality. Out of the central California Coast, peak availability has shifted from large fancy to smaller choice grade fruits. You can find organic and conventional juicer lemons out of California on the Marketplace now. See Lemon availability.


The cauliflower market has a steady supply and good quality. Some growers are reporting reduced yields due to higher temps in the growing region. Cauliflower availability out of Salinas and Santa Maria is strong, keeping pricing steady. You can expect good quality and aggressive pricing to continue this week. See Cauliflower availability.


The Kale market is steady with solid pricing and supplies. Upcoming heat on the West Coast could affect quality and availability in the coming weeks. You can find Curly, Red, and Lacinto Kale available out of California on the Marketplace now. See Kale availability.

Tags: lemon, cauliflower, kale

Produce Trends - June 22, 2022

Posted by Full Harvest on Jun 22, 2022 1:00:00 AM


You can expect California Valencias to be tight for the next 2 weeks or so. Mexico has finished up, while California is just getting started now. This means peak availability is on fancy grade fruit and there is limited juice grade fruit. Some growers have delayed harvests as they wait another few weeks for the fruit to size up. Demand is high, leading to strong pricing and a tight market. See Orange availability.


The Cauliflower market is steady with solid supply and pricing. Supply should increase with the recent warm weather. You can expect Cauliflower availability to remain steady, with some minor variations in texture and bruising. See Cauliflower availability.


The Jumbo carrot market remains tight with light supply due to the current harvest being mainly smaller-sized carrots. The harvest in Bakersfield, CA harvest has begun. You can expect jumbos out of the region to start up in another couple of weeks and increase availability. You can find juicer and chunk carrots on the Marketplace now.. See Carrot availability.

Tags: orange, cauliflower, carrot

Produce Trends - May 23, 2022

Posted by Full Harvest on May 23, 2022 10:33:23 AM


Cauliflower markets are active and expected to remain strong. Quality is fair causing available supplies to lighten up and higher pricing. Expect price and supply to improve as more acreage becomes available. You can find organic product loading out of Salinas, CA on the Marketplace now. See Cauliflower availability.


Demand remains high for all types of carrots - Conventional and Organic, product from the US & Mexico. Mexico's supply is conventional and crosses through McAllen, TX. Supply is light on Jumbo carrots. Organic carrot availability out of California is scarce and will continue to be until more suppliers come online. We recommend getting in touch with sales to pre-book orders ~4 weeks in advance, especially for organic product. See Carrot availability.


The pineapple market is steady this week for supply, demand, and quality. Sizes are peaking on the larger fruit. You can find conventional, crownless, Costa Rican product on the Marketplace now. See Pineapple availability.

Tags: cauliflower, carrot, pineapple

Produce Trends - April 11, 2022

Posted by Full Harvest on Apr 11, 2022 1:00:00 AM


The jumbo carrot market is steadying off this week. You can find organic and conventional carrots out of Bakersfield on the Marketplace now. Product out of Mexico, mostly conventional, is down in supply and demand. We are seeing a wide range of quality. See Carrot availability.


Cauliflower prices are rising due to a lower yield, while demand remains consistent. Quality is fair with good weight and coloring. Sizes are varying now, but are expected to improve over the next few weeks. See Cauliflower availability.


The lemon market is steady this week with availability out of District 2 (Oxnard/Riverside, CA) and District 1 (Desert Region). D1 has mostly fancy-grade lemons, while most D2 has a solid supply of choice-grade lemons. Lemon availability is tighter for smaller-sized fruit, and peaking on larger sizes. Supply is expected to remain steady. See Lemon availability.

Tags: lemon, cauliflower, carrot

Produce Trends - March 28, 2022

Posted by Full Harvest on Mar 28, 2022 12:49:14 PM


Cauliflower supplies continue to be limited. The cooler weather has slowed growth in the Yuma area. Organic Cauliflower is experiencing inconsistent production, which is creating limited supply and price increases expected to last for the remainder of the month. Supplies are expected to remain limited until the new northern crop production ramps up in April. See Cauliflower availability.


Markets are extremely light for all leafy greens like iceberg and romaine at this time. The growing region is transitioning from Arizona to California, and you can expect markets to remain volatile for the next 2-3 weeks as the new region gets going. See Lettuce availability.


California Navels will likely wrap up early this year in June, following the season last year lasting through mid-August. Typically, we see shorter seasons following longer ones due to the trees being tired and not having the energy to produce as much fruit. Demand remains steady across US Markets. See Orange availability.

Tags: orange, cauliflower, lettuce

Produce Trends - March 14, 2022

Posted by Full Harvest on Mar 14, 2022 8:12:03 AM


Celery availability is tight at this time, especially for value-added product like sticks. Commodity celery is steady out of Arizona with lighter supplies from CA. Supply should improve in the second half of March. See Celery availability.


The Cauliflower market has slowed down with volatile availability expected to last for the next week or so before improving. Quality is fair to good. You can find organic product on The Marketplace loading out of Salinas, CA. See Cauliflower availability.


California growers are reporting a strong supply of Lemons in all 3 growing regions in CA (Coastal, Central Valley, Desert). Volumes should remain steady through April with supply starting to trickle off by the end of May. California will be back with a strong supply in the fall. Out of Mexico, supply is expected to ramp up starting in mid-May. Limited juice volume is predicted at the beginning of the season, with the majority of growers ramping up in August/September. We recommend purchasing lemons in the next 6-8 weeks while California is still producing high volumes to avoid higher pricing when California trickles off and Mexico is just getting started. See Lemon availability.

Tags: lemon, cauliflower, celery

Produce Trends - January 31, 2022

Posted by Full Harvest on Jan 28, 2022 2:51:38 PM


Organic carrot supply is still super tight. There is conventional product available out of Mexico with solid pricing, though. The supply limitations are typical this time of year but have been exacerbated due to labor shortages and low organic yields. You can expect the gap on organic product to continue for the next 4 weeks or so. Head to the Marketplace for up-to-date availability. See Carrot availability.

Broccoli & Cauliflower

The broccoli market is lower this week. Supplies from Mexico are volatile, but availability out of AZ and CA is improving and should be enough to cover demand. Cauliflower market pricing has also started to come down as supplies increase. We were experiencing a gap in the market for the last 2 weeks in January, but we are seeing more supply come online now and expect that to continue through February. See Broccoli and Cauliflower availability.

Orange & Mandarin

Orange supplies are somewhat light and are expected to remain that way for the remainder of the season. According to a new report from The Packer, “California citrus groves look remarkably different than they did last year, when a record crop weighed down mandarin trees and navel oranges stayed on trees late into the summer months due to shipping issues at congested ports.” We expect to see lighter and shorter seasons for Navels and Mandarins due to a combination of drought, water, and rising cost issues. We expect the season to last through May for Navels and June for Mandarins. See Orange and Mandarin availability.

Tags: broccoli, orange, cauliflower, carrot, mandarin

Produce Trends (2024)
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