Soup Sunday - Le Chef's Wife (2024)

Eating better, one pot of homemade soup per week at a time.

Welcome to year 3 of the Soup Sunday Challenge!

I invite you to cook one pot of soup every week for 4 weeks.

I will provide you with lots of inspiration for delicious, healthy soups.

Share your soup photos on instagram using #soupsundaychallenge

"Thank you so much for the Soup Sunday Challenge. I've made them all and learned so much. Really enjoyed following along. All the best to your beautiful family. XOXO"

Rosalie Hill Bland, Soup Sunday Challenge 2023
Soup Sunday - Le Chef's Wife (1)

Are you looking to eat better in the New Year? Less convenience food, more whole foods? More vegetables and less processed food?

Perhaps, like me, you have a busy schedule but would like to make a small, lasting change to the way your family eats?

One of my favorite French-girl healthy eating tricks is to always have a pot of soup in the fridge – ready to reheat at a moment’s notice.

This New Year I have decided to become more consistent with my soup making. I realize that I eat much better throughout the week when I have a portion of comforting, delicious soup in the fridge I can reheat at a moment’s notice. Making soup is a great way to get my kids to eat extra vegetables too!

Here are the recipes we have cooked so far this year:

Soup Sunday - Le Chef's Wife (2)

Week One: Magical Leek Soup

Week Two: Poule au Pot

Soup Sunday - Le Chef's Wife (3)

Week Three: Best Broccoli and Blue Cheese Soup

Week Four: French Onion Soup Gratinée

Week Five: Provençal Tomato Soup with Basil

Week Six: La Soupe au Pistou

Soup Sunday - Le Chef's Wife (4)

Here are some of the recipes I shared with you last year to get you started:

Fancy Cream of Cauliflower Soup

Vegetarian Minestrone with homemade pesto

La Soupe de Mamie - Vegetable Potage

Ratatouille Soup with homemade pesto

Soup Sunday - Le Chef's Wife (5)


The Goal: Make one pot of soup every Sunday for 4 weeks.

Dates:January 6th-January 27th 2024

The community: Use the hashtag #soupsundaychallenge on instagram or join myface book group and Pinterest page.

Every weekend I will share a soup recipe you can make at home for inspiration.

If you have been reading my blog for a while you know how much I love my soups! I like to make several big batches of soup at once – filling up my freezer with healthy, homemade goodness. You can read the blog post onfreezer meal batch cooking here.

I would love to see what soups you are making so please share photos with the#soupsundaychallengeor on thefacebook group. I find it so inspiring to see your favorite recipes!

Soup Sunday - Le Chef's Wife (6)

Why Soup?

Soups are amazing. Truly. What better way to eat lots of veggies in one serving while reducing food waste in your fridge?

I like that most soups are very quick to make and do not require much culinary precision. Anyone can make soup.

Those carrots that are past their prime or that box of spinach that you had intended to eat at the beginning of the week? Perfect for soup!

Plus, is there anything more comforting than a warm bowl of homemade soup?

Soup Sunday - Le Chef's Wife (7)

Equipment needed

You likely have everything you need already, but if you don’t, I highly suggest a good size soup pot for making big batches of soup to portion out.

I have this10qt Marseille Blue Le Creusetthat I love.

Stand Mixersare amazing for making blended soups without the mess of transferring to a blender.

Last but not least, make sure you have somefreezer safe food containersready to portion out your leftover soup to eat throughout the week or stack in your freezer.

For a full list of my favorite kitchen tools check out the blog post here: Kitchen Essentials

(please note that this post contains affiliate links. By clicking on the links above I make a small commission if you make a purchase, at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting my small business)

Soup Sunday - Le Chef's Wife (8)


Each Sunday of the Soup Sunday Challenge I will be sharing one of my favorite soup recipes as well as hopping on instagram to show you how the recipe is made.

Here are some recipes to get you started:

Magical Leek Soup

Healthy Potage aux Légumes – French Vegetable Soup

French Lentil Soup

Soupe au Pistou

Creamy Butternut Squash Soup with Crispy Sage

Honeynut and Pumpkin Soup with Rosemary

While many of my recipes are French inspired (bien sûr) I encourage you to share your recipes from everywhere – whatever your family enjoys most!


So, are you with me? Let's make soup together!

You can reach me by commenting on this blog post, through instagram at@lechefswifeor on the facebook groupFrench Riviera Cuisine on Pinterest

Of course, make sure you are signed up for myemail listto receive the new recipes directly in your email inbox. (I email about once a week – no more than that, I promise!)

See you next Sunday, mes amis.

Au plaisir,

Le Chef’sWife

Soup Sunday - Le Chef's Wife (2024)


What is the rule of thumb for serving soup? ›

When serving hot soups, always make sure to serve the soup in warmed bowls so the soup stays hot on its way to the table; likewise, cold soups should be served in chilled bowls.

What is a crunchy thing to add to soup? ›

Crunchy. We've already discussed Fritos, but any tortilla chip will do, especially for bean soups or, well, tortilla soup. Crushed up potato chips on top of potato soup would be a potato inception, corn nuts could complement a corn chowder, or good ol' crackers (oyster, buttery Ritz, saltines) are a good standby.

What is considered a soup? ›

Soup is a primarily liquid food, generally served warm or hot (but may be cool or cold), that is made by combining ingredients of meat or vegetables with stock, milk, or water. Hot soups are additionally characterized by boiling solid ingredients in liquids in a pot until the flavors are extracted, forming a broth.

How long should soup sit before serving? ›

The food danger zone is that place between 40 and 140 °F where pathogens grow most quickly. It can take a long time to get through the danger zone when cooling a large batch of chili, soup or stew. The soup must cool from 140 to 70 °F in 2 hours and from 70 to 40 °F in no more than 4 hours.

What is the most important ingredient in soup? ›

For clear, brothy soups, stock is your most important ingredient. If you want to make a good soup, you need to use an excellently flavored stock — otherwise, the entire pot could be tasteless.

What does sour cream add to soup? ›

Yogurt, Sour Cream, and Crème Fraîche – Dairy like yogurt, sour cream, and crème fraîche can add a creamy acidity to soups, but can curdle and be unpleasant if cooked over heat for too long, so swirl these in last.

What is a chunky soup called? ›

Chowder is a thick, chunky soup. Traditionally, chowder is made with seafood or fish, but chowders made with poultry, vegetables, and cheese are also popular.

Do you serve soup from the left or right? ›

Serve from the right

If the customer's plate is arranged in the kitchen it should be delivered to them from the right side. Pre-plated food (considering the exceptions above), beverages, all empty plates, and utensils should be served from the guest's right.

Should soup garnishes be bite sized or smaller? ›

Garnishes for broth soups should be cut uniformly to a bite-size that easily fits on a spoon, because too large of a garnish makes the soup difficult to eat. While vegetable garnishes can be cooked in the soup, other garnishes including pasta or grains, should be precooked before adding.

What does 1 2 soup mean? ›

So a solution : order 1 full serving of soup served as half to each person (1/2).

What is not a soup? ›

By definition, soup is any cooked food that primarily contains a liquid base—so, no, cereal isn't a soup. This base can be made from any of the following: Broth. Made by simmering meat, vegetables, herbs, and spices in boiling water, broth is one of the most common base ingredients for soup.

What was the first soup ever made? ›

Archaeologists speculate the first soup might have been made by Neanderthals, boiling animal bones to extract fat essential for their diet and drinking the broth.

What is the proper etiquette for serving soup? ›

eating etiquette (how to eat...)

When serving soup, place the soup plates or bowls on an underplate. When the soup is finished or the spoon is laid down, the spoon is left in the soup plate, not on the dish underneath. If the soup is served in a cup, the spoon is left on the saucer.

What is the correct serving of soup? ›

Using this guide
Serving Size per Person
Soup1/2 cup 1 1/2 cups
Stuffing1/3 cup
Potatoes1 1/2 cup 1/2 cup
Potato Toppings2 tsp 1/4 cup 1 tbsp 1 tbsp
10 more rows

When serving soups What is the temperature rule? ›

Science Says: Serve Soup At 149 Degrees

According to the Journal of Food Science, the optimal temperature for soup lies somewhere between 136 and 162 degrees.

What are the rules for soup party? ›

A good rule of thumb is to have each guest make one quart of soup per each attendee. For example, if six people total attend, each guest (including you) should make six quarts of soup—one to sample the night of the party, and five quarts to give away (you won't go home with a quart of your own soup).

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.