Taiga (Boreal Forest) Biome: Temperature, Climate, Location, Plants, Animals | Earth Eclipse (2024)

Taiga biome is derived from the Russian word, meaning forest. Despite that fact that it’s the largest terrestrial biome in the world, it’s a cold and lonely place, and many people are not familiar with the name. Although Taiga biome is so cold and remote, humans have had a deep influence here. Ancient humans hunted animal species like the giant sloth to extinction. However, modern humans have caused more devastation in this biome in the past 400 years than those hunters did in 1000 years. Extensive hunting and trapping have brought some of the Taiga biome animals to the edge of extinction. But government intervention has slowed down this heinous activity, and we may see the population of these animals explode again in the near future.

Taiga biome, also referred to as boreal forest, coniferous forest or snow forest, is a biome consisting mainly of coniferous trees such as pines, lurches, and spruces. It spans across Eurasia and North America. The taiga biome is situated near the top of the world, with tundra biome occurring just below it.


The average temperature in the taiga biome is below freezing point for half of the year. During winter, temperatures range between -54 to -1 degrees Celsius (-65 to 30 degrees Fahrenheit). Winters are freezing with a lot of snow. In the summer, the temperature range plummets to -7 degrees Celsius (20 degrees Fahrenheit). The highest temperature in summer might be 21 degrees Celsius (70 degrees Fahrenheit). The summer months in the taiga biome are typically warm, rainy and humid. Also, the summers are short and experience 50 to 100 days without frost.


The most part of taiga biome climate is dominated by Arctic air. Uniquely cold winds carry along extremely cold air from the Arctic Circle to this biome. During clear nights, when cloud cover is unavailable, the temperatures even plummet further. Due to the earth’s tilt, the taiga biome faces away from the sun during winter.

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This means radiation barely reaches the ground to heat it up. Winters come with exceedingly cold conditions and lasts for six months. Summer experiences rainy, hot and short season in this biome. In the taiga biome, fall is the shortest season. Spring is characterized by scintillating flowers, melting ponds, and animals coming out of hibernation.


The taiga biome is situated in the north part of the northern hemisphere and occurs in the continents of America, Asia, and Europe. It spans across Alaska, Canada, Scandinavia and spreads through the northern hemisphere.


Precipitation takes place in two forms in the taiga biome: snow and rain. Precipitation falls in the form of snow during winter months; the annual precipitation being 20 to 40 inches (50 to 101 cm). Rainfall in the taiga biome typically occurs in the moist summer, registering an average annual rainfall of 10 to 20 inches (25 to 50 cm). This brings the average precipitation in this biome to approximately 40 inches (101cm).


Since the climate of taiga biome is extremely cold, there are only a few verities of plants. Coniferous tree with cones are the most dominant tree species in this biome. There are four dominant kinds of conifers here; spruce, evergreen, pine, and fir. The fourth dominant coniferous tree in the taiga is a deciduous tree known as tamarack. Under specific conditions, broad-leafed trees like aspen and birch have developed ability to endure the harsh conditions in this biome.

Plants have developed unique adaptations to endure the extremely cold conditions of the taiga biome, including their type, shape, leaf, color and root system. For example, evergreen trees are always green, and since they don’t shed their leaves when temperatures cool down, they don’t grow them back when spring sets in.

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Plants use lots of energy to develop new leaves. These plants derive their energy from the sun and soil. Soil acts as a nutrient source, while sunlight aid photosynthesis. The soil in the taiga biome is nutrient-deficient, and the sun is scarce. These two aspects limit the quantity of energy in the tree. By not shading their leaves, the evergreens can utilize that limited energy for other important aspects like structural growth, instead of growing new leaves.

While the taiga biome has fairly high precipitation, the ground becomes frozen in the winter, which means plant roots cannot get water. Some plants have adapted narrow need-like leaves, instead of broad leaves, to minimize water loss through the process of transpiration. Also, evergreen trees contain less sap to minimize the risk of needle damage coming from freezing temperatures.

However, the needles encompass a chemical that usually repels animals trying to eat the needles. The characteristic dark green color of the plant needles helps absorb sunlight, and because the needles are ever available, once the temperature starts to become warm, photosynthesis starts immediately. The evergreens have also adapted a conical shape that lets the snow to slide off the branches instead of piling up.

The piling up of snow is disadvantageous as it can cause the branches to break due to their weight. Other plant species found in the taiga biome include Black Spruce, Douglas Fir, Jack Pine, White Fir, White Spruce, Balsam Fir, Paper Birch, Eastern Red Cedar and Siberian Spruce.


The cold temperatures limit the number of animal species that can survive in the tiger biome throughout the year. Typical examples of large animals that live in the taiga biome include bears, dears, and mouse. Typical examples of smaller animals that live in this biome include moles, squirrels, chipmunks, bobcats, and ermine.

The taiga biome harbors numerous species of birds and insects like woodpeckers, bald eagle, warblers, chickadee. The ponds and bogs found in every part of the taiga biome in the summer offer incredible breeding grounds for a huge array of insects. Lots of migratory birds come to the taiga biome to reproduce and feed on the large population of insects.

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Animals living in the taiga biome have developed remarkable adaptation to cope with the cold conditions here. The majority of animals in this biome migrate to warmer areas at the onset of cold winter months. Other animals hibernate when temperature drop and they can stay that way until favorable climatic conditions manifest. Some animals have adapted to existing in the cold conditions by developing a layer of thick fur or feathers to insulate them from the freezing conditions.

On other occasions, animals change the color of their fur or feathers seasonally to avoid being spotted by predators. A typical example of a small animal that has developed this adaptation is the Ermine. Ermine has a natural dark brown coat, but changes it to white when winter sets in. This impressive adaptation helps the ermine to camouflage in the snow, making it hard for predators to spot it.

The taiga biome faces a formidable threat every day: Destruction by humans and nature. Nature causes destruction to this biome by instigating forest fires and diseases by parasites and herbicides. Also, spruce trees which grow on top bulky moss are habitually blown over by powerful winds. Plantation forestry, large-scale lumbering, soil scarification, introduction of exotic trees, the use of herbicides and pesticides and ditching are human factors that have led to habitat loss.

However, the greatest threat to taiga biome is large scale logging. The wood is transported to pulp factories to manufacture pulp and paper. Other threats to taiga biome include human-caused forest fires, mining, oil and gas exploration, road construction and climate change.

Photo by: pixabay
Taiga (Boreal Forest) Biome: Temperature, Climate, Location, Plants, Animals | Earth Eclipse (2024)


What is the climate and temperature of the boreal forest? ›

The boreal forest has cold winters and warm summers. Typical temperatures range from 21 °C in summer to -54 °C in winter.

What is the location and climate of the taiga? ›

The taiga is a forest of the cold, subarctic region. The subarctic is an area of the Northern Hemisphere that lies just south of the Arctic Circle. The taiga lies between the tundra to the north and temperate forests to the south. Alaska, Canada, Scandinavia, and Siberia have taigas.

Where is boreal and taiga forest located? ›

The boreal forest (or “taiga”) is the world's largest land biome. The boreal ecozone principally spans 8 countries: Canada, China, Finland, Japan, Norway, Russia, Sweden and the United States.

What is the taiga forest biome? ›

taiga, biome (major life zone) of vegetation composed primarily of cone-bearing needle-leaved or scale-leaved evergreen trees, found in northern circumpolar forested regions characterized by long winters and moderate to high annual precipitation.

What plants are in the boreal forest? ›

The dominant plants in the boreal forest are cold-tolerant and fire-adapted conifer trees (pines, spruces, larches, fir), deciduous trees (maples, aspen, poplar), tall shrubs (mountain ash, pin cherry, alder, hazel), dwarf shrubs, grasses, and ground species such as ferns, mosses, and lichen.

What do many animals in boreal forests eat? ›

Answer and Explanation: The animals of the boreal forest eat a variety of shrubs, berries, and other low vegetation. Very few animals other than Moose actually eat the needles from the trees of the boreal forest.

What animals and plants are in the forest biome? ›

Flora consist mostly of cold-tolerant evergreen conifers with needle-like leaves, such as pine, fir, and spruce. Fauna include woodpeckers, hawks, moose, bear, weasel, lynx, fox, wolf, deer, hares, chipmunks, shrews, and bats.

Which two animals are found in the taiga? ›

Mammals like pine marten, moose, bobcats, black bears, fishers, Canada lynx, and grizzly bears are found in the taiga.

What is the climate in the forest biome? ›

Temperatures range from hot in the summer, with highs of 86 degrees F, to extremely cold in the winter, with lows of -22 degrees F. Temperate forests receive abundant amounts of precipitation, usually between 20 and 60 inches of precipitation annually. This precipitation is in the form of rain and snow.

Do humans live in the taiga biome? ›

Answer and Explanation: Yes, a section of humans lives in the taiga biome region. The taiga biome is home to Toronto City in Canada and the city of Moscow, situated in Russia. There are also indigenous groups of people who still reside in the taiga biome.

Is the taiga climate hot or cold? ›

While tea can be enjoyed both hot and cold, hot tea has a reputation for being particularly comforting. True 'tea' comes from the Camellia sinensis plant, and there are many regional varieties of the species across the globe.

What do plants need to survive in the taiga? ›

In many areas, plants must live off a shallow layer of soil that holds low levels of nutrients because their roots cannot penetrate past the permafrost. In addition, most of the water in the taiga exists as snow, which roots cannot absorb.

What is the climate in the temperate forest? ›

It's warm in the summer, but it gets cool in the fall, and cold in the winter. Most temperate forests don't get as much rainfall as tropical rainforests, but they do get enough rain—about 30 to 60 inches each year—to grow big trees.

Is boreal a temperate forest? ›

The difference between the boreal and temperate forests is the climate in which they live. Temperate forests are found in regions with warmer summers and milder winters than those found in the boreal forest. The boreal forest is therefore found to the north of the temperate forest.

What is the normal climate temperature? ›

The average surface temperature on Earth is approximately 59 degrees Fahrenheit (15 degrees Celsius), according to NASA. However, the planet's average temperature is rising. The 10 warmest years across the entirety of recorded human history have all occurred since 2010.

What is the meaning of boreal temperature? ›

Boreal forests are the evergreen forests that are far to the north, and transition into the tundras. There are also evergreen temperate forests, which are mixes of coniferous and deciduous plants. Temperate forests are primarily deciduous.

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