The Optimal Chicken Temperature for Every Part of the Bird (2024)

We admit it: Determining the ideal chicken temperature can be…a challenge. With all the talk of carryover cooking and knowing what temps work best for which cuts and whether or not the cooking method makes a difference, it can be a bit daunting.

First off: No, the optimal temperature doesn’t change based on the cooking method—which is a good thing, considering the many (many) ways there are to prepare chicken. (What’s for dinner tonight? Fried chicken? Roast chicken? Baked chicken? One of your signature chicken casseroles?) No matter the plan, you want to be sure you’re cooking chicken dishes to a safe temperature—and that you won’t end up with a half-frozen chicken breast (or worse, salmonella). Before you take on a whole bird or its parts, arm yourself with the tools and tips below. They’ll take the guesswork out of cooking chicken and help you steer you clear of harmful bacteria.

Use a meat thermometer

The fastest way to find confidence in the kitchen (especially regarding chicken temps) is to buy a meat thermometer. “The ThermoWorks Thermapen One is the absolute best,” says test kitchen director Chris Morocco. “Using a meat thermometer will do more to make you a better cook than a $200 skillet ever could—any serious cook should get one before spending money on new cookware.” If that particular model is too pricey for you, he suggests looking into the ThermoPop from ThermoWorks.

When using an instant-read thermometer, don’t rely on a reading taken from just one part of the chicken. Take the temperature in multiple spots to gauge doneness. “Bone doesn't channel heat as efficiently as flesh,” Morocco says, “because it is porous and those insulating air pockets inhibit heat transfer. So temp close to the bone, where the meat may take longer to reach the desired temperature, as well as near the edge,” making sure to get a reading from the thickest part of the meat.

Chicken temperature for white meat

For the best-tasting white meat, which includes breasts and wings, you generally want to cook the meat to an internal temperature of 160°F. This temperature will continue to rise after removing the chicken from the heat, ideally to a temperature of about 165°. According to Morocco, the temperature of a whole cooked chicken can increase 10° at rest, so it’s best to pull it from the heat source at 155°. In smaller cuts, like a chicken breast, the heat will increase by only about 5°, so remove them from the heat source when they reach 160°. Build the rest time into your cooking routine; use it to make a sauce or salad dressing.

It’s important to consider what type of meat you’re cooking: Is it bone-in? Boneless? A single chicken breast or a bunch of wings? Bone-in chicken will take longer to reach the desired internal temp; smaller cuts will require less cooking time. No matter what’s on your menu, the USDA states that the internal temperature of the chicken should reach 165° for food safety. Past that, you run the risk of eating dry chicken.

Chicken temperature for dark meat

When working with dark meat (thighs, drumsticks, or whole legs), the temperature rules change a bit. Fattier dark meat can stand a higher temperature than lean white meat. While it’s safe to eat dark meat cooked to 165°, you’ll get a bouncier bite. Allowing thigh meat and the like to reach somewhere between 175° and 190° will give you more tender meat because the connective tissues have longer to break down. The actual level of doneness comes down a bit to personal preference. Morocco says his ultimate chicken thighs are slow-roasted or braised at a low cooking temperature in plenty of olive oil until they’re full of flavor and have a fall-apart texture.

The takeaway

There are all kinds of ways to prepare poultry, from gentle sous vide to high-heat grilling. Baking and poaching are beloved methods for quickly getting dinner on the table with little fuss. Opt for slow-roasting and you’ll cook the meat longer at a steady temperature. Pick your chicken recipe and abide by the main rule: 165° is the max for white meat (and the temperature you’re aiming for after resting)—it’s also the safe minimum internal temperature for dark meat. All roads can lead to perfectly cooked chicken with a bit of practice—and the right food thermometer.

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The Optimal Chicken Temperature for Every Part of the Bird (1)

Low-Fuss Crispy Roast Chicken

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The Optimal Chicken Temperature for Every Part of the Bird (2024)


The Optimal Chicken Temperature for Every Part of the Bird? ›

All poultry should reach a safe minimum internal temperature of 165 °F (73.9 °C) as measured with a food thermometer. A whole chicken must reach this temperature throughout the bird. Check the internal temperature in the innermost part of the thigh and wing and the thickest part of the breast.

What is the best temperature for a whole chicken? ›

You can roast or bake anywhere between 325 and 450 degrees F. When roasting a whole chicken, a nice rule of them is to start at 400 to 425 degrees F and then turn the oven down to 350 after 15 minutes and cook until the internal temp of the chicken is 165 – 175 degrees F on an instant read thermometer.

What is the temperature guide for chickens? ›

Optimal temperature is between 65° and 75°F. Anything above 75°F can cause an unhealthy amount of stress on the chickens, affect their organs, and potentially reduce their life expectancy.

Does every part of chicken have to be 165? ›

Unsure what temperature your chicken should be so that it is safe to eat without being dry and overdone? The short answer for juicy, properly cooked chicken is 150 F for at least 3 minutes for white meat and 175 F for dark meat.

What temperature should poultry parts be? ›

All poultry should reach a safe minimum internal temperature of 165 °F (73.9 °C) as measured with a food thermometer. A whole chicken must reach this temperature throughout the bird. Check the internal temperature in the innermost part of the thigh and wing and the thickest part of the breast.

How hot is too hot for chickens? ›

However, chickens can struggle when temps reach over 90 degrees and stay there for extended periods of time. If you see your chickens panting, they're letting you know they're hot! Excessive heat in backyard chickens can lead to reduced egg production. It can also lead to heat stress.

What temperature is too cold for chickens at night? ›

The answer is - it depends. Chickens are comfortable at temperatures as low as 40-45 degrees Fahrenheit but can withstand subzero temperatures with a draft-free shelter. However, it is important to note that the actual temperature tolerance of chickens depends on various factors such as breed, age and overall health.

What temperature is unsafe for chickens? ›

Chickens are actually pretty adapted to cold. If you think about it, they are wearing little down parkas, 24/7. Most chickens will be just fine down to about -15 or -20 degrees Fahrenheit, as long as they can stay dry and out of the wind and constantly have fresh, non-icy, water.

What is a comfortable temperature for poultry? ›

The comfortable temperature range for poultry is 15-20ºC (59-68ºF) with birds experiencing mild heat stress at 30ºC (86ºF). At 37ºC (98ºF) and above, chickens experience severe heat stress and their egg laying rate declines.

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Recommended temperatures for layers and broilers

The most efficient temperatures for layers are between 20 – 24°C. When temperatures rise above 24°C, shell quality and egg weight will reduce. The critical temperature for broilers and rearing birds is highly dependant on age.

Can I pull chicken at 145? ›

Is 145° safe for chicken? According to ThermoWorks, pasteurization of chicken is obtained by reaching 165° or by holding chicken at 145° for 8-1/2 minutes. Both of these methods kill harmful bacteria like salmonella and E. coli.

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Note: There are three important temperatures to remember when cooking meat or eggs at home: Eggs and all ground meats must be cooked to 160°F; poultry and fowl to 165°F; and fresh meat steaks, chops and roasts to 145°F. Use a thermometer to check temperatures.

Is chicken safe to eat at 140 degrees? ›

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) instructs us to cook meat to a safe internal temperature: namely, 165 degrees for poultry and 145 for beef and pork.

Can I take chicken out at 160? ›

According to Morocco, the temperature of a whole cooked chicken can increase 10° at rest, so it's best to pull it from the heat source at 155°. In smaller cuts, like a chicken breast, the heat will increase by only about 5°, so remove them from the heat source when they reach 160°.

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