The Pagani Huayra R (2024)


  • The most extreme Pagani Hypercar made exclusively for use on the track
  • The new Pagani V12-R, the exclusive beating heart of the Huayra R
  • A naturally aspirated V12 generating 850 HP output and 750 Nm of torque
  • Maximum track performance up to the red line of 9000 rpm
  • A laboratory car that incorporates the technology of future Pagani models
  • Celebration of performance, technology and art applied to a track car
  • The pinnacle of Pagani Automobili technological development, packed into just 1,050 kg
  • Safety at the highest standards
  • Arte in Pista: a new, exclusive chapter of tailor-made customer experiences
  • Limited to just 30 examples
  • Base price: EUR 2.6 million + TAX

San Cesario Sul Panaro, 18 March 2021 – On the wings of a wind that blows ever-stronger, the Huayra R is released to express its full character in total freedom. Pure, passionate, mighty and captivating. It knows no limits.

The new track-focused Hypercar from Pagani combines the highest level of automotive engineering and aerodynamic know-how with unprecedented aesthetic sensitivity in an exercise of style that represents the full expression of Pagani Automobili’stechnological development.


Legend meets passion

What is freedom, if not the courage to dream and choose to surpass oneself and one’s limits, the need to express an emotion thatrefuses to be constrained? A concept that by its very nature escapes definition and labels, but which has always deeply movedthe human spirit and determined its needs and intuitions.

The profound need for creative freedom at the heart of the Huayra R is embodied by the clean lines and timeless appeal of the LeMans and World Sports-Prototype Championship cars of the 1960s and 1970s. Symbols of freedom par excellence andprotagonists of an era of motorsport that was synonymous with battles and tension, tears and triumphs, ecstasy and sweat;endurance races that turned drivers into heroes and sensational cars into eternal legends. This concept of freedom and purityinspires the bold lines of the Huayra R, a quintessential celebration of performance, technology and art applied to a track car.

Today’s racing cars are focused exclusively on aerodynamics and are largely the product of the wind tunnel. In the 60s and 70s, however, the cars were very fast, certainly dangerous, but beautiful. Prototype sports cars like the FerrariP4 or the Ford GT40, or the Le Mans cars, had extremely attractive lines, which are still a huge source of inspiration for ourcars today. The Porsche 917 is my favourite, with its romantic yet bold shape, which gives the impression of a very fast car.It is beautiful, elegant and timeless. From this desire for freedom, and from the experience of the Zonda Rand the cars of the past, came the idea of the Huayra R, like a breath of fresh air.” Horacio Pagani

The Huayra R is a celebration of passion – an extreme, untamed car, developed free from rules except for safety, with the sole aim of offering uncompromising performance. But first and foremost, it was designed to excite.


From tradition to innovation

“Creativity is the result of curiosity and the quest for something that does not exist.”

Taking up increasingly demanding challenges in order to define new goals and pushing new boundaries to test one’s ability hasbeen in the DNA of Pagani Automobili from the very start. This is what happened towards the end of the 2000s when an excitingnew project landed on the Atelier’s doorstep and triggered an unprecedented journey of research to create the first Pagani trackcar, a car that Horacio Pagani thought should incorporate the best racing technology of the time, combined with the beauty andattention to detail typical of all of the brand’s creations.
The Zonda R, created with cutting-edge materials derived from the aerospace industry and from F1, was presented at the GenevaMotor Show in 2009 where, under its refined, but bare natural carbon fiber surface, it embodied the pinnacle of Pagani Automobilitechnological development, combined with unprecedented attention to aesthetics for a track car. Offering a driving experienceand performance simply impossible on the road, the Zonda R demonstrated its full potential, attaining major milestones on theworld’s most prestigious circuits and was celebrated on many covers of the main magazines of that time.

Deeply inspired by its racing predecessors, after more than ten years, the Huayra R is reintroducing that same bold and audaciousessence, once again combining maximum technical refinement and attention to detail, in a car of outstanding personality thatincorporates the technology of Pagani cars of the future. And like all the creations of the Atelier, it is made to measure.

In 2008 we were working on the Huayra, a very challenging and demanding project from an engineering and stylisticpoint of view. After so many years, I felt an overwhelming desire for freedom and that’s how the Zonda R came about,a track car free from constraints and regulations. Beautiful, high-performing and safe. The Huayra R, just like the Zonda R,is the freest, most extreme and performance-oriented Pagani car of all time.”Horacio Pagani


Engine – The Pagani V12-R

Much more than an intellectual exercise, the Huayra R is a car packed with innovative solutions developed to achieve maximumperformance and is the result of 100% dedicated engineering know-how. The project was not based on any production model, which allowed development targets for each individual component to be raised significantly, forcing the team in San Cesario Sul Panaro to tackle a number of technical challenges. First and foremost, the development of the most powerful, naturally aspiratedinternal combustion engine in the history of the Atelier.

The Pagani V12-R – the beating heart of the Huayra R – is a 12-cylinder, 6-litre, naturally aspirated racing engine, designed from theground up in partnership with HWA AG specifically to meet the Atelier’s need to equip its new creation with the lightest, most powerful and efficient track-ready V12 ever created. This need emerged to address the strong desire of Pagani’s customers, who dreamed of an incredibly powerful high-performance, naturally aspirated V12 engine for their new projects.

The new engine had to have the charm, romance, sound and simplicity of the F1 engines of the 1980s, while incorporating state-of-the-art technology available today.”Horacio Pagani

Equipped with the latest technology derived from the world of racing, the new powertrain delivers 850 hp (625 kW) at 8250 rpm and maximum torque of 750 Nm – already available from 5500 to 8300 rpm – while the 200 bar direct injection system optimisesperformance by ensuring maximum efficiency in terms of thermodynamics and autonomy.

The Huayra R was created to offer the ultimate experience for anyone who wants to enjoy peak performance on the track up to the red line of 9000 rpm. For the engineers at HWA AG and Pagani, this objective meant not only focusing on increased power asa key element of research, but also prioritizing lightness. This challenge was embraced by Affalterbach engineers withouthesitation and after more than two years of design and development, the powerful Pagani V12-R tipped the scales at a totalweight of 198 kg (436 lbs), placing it at the top of its category.

Attached to the central monocoque, with which it forms a structural element capable of supporting the transmission system and the chrome-molybdenum alloy steel subframes, the new engine is exceptionally efficient and easy to run, with service cycles only every 10,000 km.



The cutting-edge components especially created for the Huayra R include the brand new six-speed sequential gearbox which has been designed, along with the Huayra R’s engine, in collaboration with HWA AG to complete a tailor-made powertrain.

Driven by a 3 sintered metal disc racing clutch, the new non synchronized dog ring gearbox guarantees 95% friction efficiency, offers maximum shift precision, extremely reduced shift times and a total weight of just 80 kg (176 lb).Securely attached to the monocoque as well as the engine, contributing to the overall rigidity of the chassis and withstandingheavy dynamic loads, the complete transmission system is designed to integrate structurally with the entire suspension unitthrough dedicated attachment points in order to maximise the architectural efficiency of the car.


Exhaust System

The result of meticulous acoustic and technical planning and extensive research of materials, geometries and sound design, the new exhaust system developed specifically for the Huayra R guarantees rapid and effective evacuation of exhaust gases,allowing the Pagani V12-R to deliver all of its incredible power, while ensuring minimum back pressure.Made from Inconel 625/718 alloy, with tubes one-third the thickness of those normally used in road car equipment, and coated inceramic to protect the engine bay and ensure better heat dissipation directly to the outside, the entire system boasts anextremely lightweight construction, developed not only to guarantee maximum aerodynamic performance, but also to give theHuayra R’s occupants an unprecedented acoustic experience. The soundtrack of this racing thoroughbred is indeed pure emotion,thanks to the unique design of the manifolds and tailpipes, with identical length exhaust pipes for all twelve cylinders allowing theV12-R to roar like a F1 car of the past. The car is also equipped with mufflers that can be fitted as required, ensuring that noiseemissions are reduced to within the FIA limit of 110 decibels for noise restricted tracks.


Chassis and Materials

The Huayra R’s monocoque is the result of specifically dedicated development to guarantee its occupants the total involvement and driving experience of an authentic racing car.

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HWA’s vast experience in fine-tuning and production of racing cars and components, together with Pagani Automobili’s 30 years of know-how in the development of advanced composite materials, made it possible to apply structural principles and innovativeengineering solutions from the world of motorsport to the Huayra R chassis to produce a safe structure suitable for track use.

Manufactured using the latest composite technologies developed by the Atelier, such as Carbo-Titanium HP62-G2 and Carbo-Triax HP62, the new monocoque incorporates the seats fully, guaranteeing maximum protection together with specificshock-absorption side structures and the roll-bar, while maintaining easy access to the co*ckpit. The front frames, made ofchrome-molybdenum alloy steel, benefit from the development experience and crash tests carried out to fine-tune the Huayraproject, while also being designed specifically for the track. The rear frame, in conjunction with the powertrain unit, forms anintegrated structure with the monocoque, helping to maximise the mechanical properties of the chassis, resulting in a 51%increase in flexural rigidity and 16% increase in torsional rigidity compared to the road version.

The combination of new structural principles and materials specially developed for the Huayra R design, together with the resulting enhancement of the mechanical properties of the structure, means that the new car tips the scales at a dry weight of1,050 kg..


The comfort and performance of a sports car only acquire value when combined with an environment that offers maximum protection. This is an aspect on which the team in San Cesario Sul Panaro never compromises and which is a fundamental andindispensable part of every project undertaken by the Atelier. Careful design and meticulous research conducted on the materials,bodywork and roll bar structure were central to the development of the Huayra R in order to give customers not only the mostthrilling track driving experience, but above all, to provide a safe car that meets the most stringent FIA requirements for GTvehicles.

The heavy-duty safety cage integrated into the central monocoque incorporates special absorption structures, made from composite materials, at the front, sides and rear of the car which are specifically designed to absorb kinetic energy in the event ofimpact or rollover.
Inside the passenger compartment, the extinguishing system is activated automatically in the event of a fire, while the seats, which are fully integrated into the carbon monocoque, are equipped with six-point safety belts and covered in Nomex flameretardant material. The special Ener-Core EC 50, FIA approved foam padding ensures an optimal driving position, adaptingperfectly to the body shape of the occupants, while the carbon fibre headrests are also fitted with dedicated lateral protection.


For Pagani Automobili, building complex cars, rich with technological and innovative solutions requires not only brilliant minds, but true artists. For the skilled craftsmen involved in the development of the Huayra R, this mission entailed intense study andresearch to combine the most technical and performance aspects with the utmost formal elegance.

Every line and surface of the Huayra R is, in fact, designed to generate maximum aerodynamic load, with an initial development target of 1000 kg of downforce at 320 km/h (2204 lb at 199 mph) and a ground clearance that allows maximum aerodynamicperformance to be achieved, guaranteeing safe and predictable behaviour under all conditions. An ambitious goal, but one thatwas quickly achieved with excellent results right from the first aerodynamic tests, during which the car showed great stability andbalance in line with the set target of 46%-54% downforce distribution throughout the entire speed envelope, while maintainingreduced sensitivity to ground clearance.

An exciting result, although not enough to win the full approval of the team led by Horacio Pagani, who wanted a more sinuous and captivating aesthetic treatment for the Huayra R; a design even more focused on emotion. For this reason, further researchwas undertaken on the design and stylistic elements of the car, which led the design team to a curious and unexpected discovery:as the aesthetics of the car changed, performance and aerodynamic efficiency improved, demonstrating the importance, in everyaspect of design, of the quest for beauty interpreted as the most perfect union of form and function.

Contributing to reliable performance of the car, there are two new side air intakes at the front to ensure maximum coolingefficiency for the front wheel braking system, as well as channelling the outgoing airflow towards the side of the car, minimisingturbulence and helping to generate maximum downforce.
Ensuring adequate cooling of the powerful engine required relentless work on the radiator and internal fluid dynamics, while new wing profiles were introduced on the front bonnet to improve air extraction speed and create greater stability at the front. New airvents above the wheel arch and the generous side outlet allow even more effective channelling of air to flow to the rearaerodynamic appendages.

The new roof scoop, with its integrated centre fin, guarantees maximum intake efficiency for the Pagani V12-R. The flat bottom, in combination with the rear diffuser and the distinctive wing, help to generate maximum downforce.


The sophistication of the suspension system of Pagani cars has always been a source of pride for the Atelier. The result of more than 30 years of research and development, this technical and technological prowess, subject to incessant experimentation,found an important test bed with the Zonda R. This led to the definition of highly innovative technical solutions that would soonafterwards equip the Huayra Coupé. Similarly, the new kinematics and sophisticated geometry of the suspension unit developedspecifically for the Huayra R are the result of one of the most intense design and experimental phases ever experienced by theAtelier, and represent the future of Pagani Automobili on the track.

With suspension made of forged aluminium alloy, independent double wishbone with helical springs and electronically controlled active shock absorbers, the entire configuration of the new system with rigid mounting points, not only allows all the power andthe extraordinary torque of the Pagani V12-R to be transferred to the ground, but also offers unprecedented driving precision. Infact, the Huayra R’s advanced and refined elasto-kinematics allow for greater camber recovery and optimised dynamic bumpsteer correction to guarantee ideal grip for the slick tyres in every situation and allow the driver to attack the ups and downs ofEau Rouge without losing a single millisecond.

Interconnected with the active aerodynamic system, the active suspension ensures that the Huayra R responds appropriately in all conditions, allowing perfect balance when entering and exiting corners and maximum stability when braking, for precise and always predictable behaviour.


There is a long-standing relationship between Pagani Automobili and Brembo, which has always focused on equipping Pagani Hypercars with state-of-the-art braking systems to ensure maximum performance, perfectly integrated design, safety andunprecedented lightness.

The Huayra R boasts world-class braking power thanks to the brand new CCM-R self-ventilated carbon-ceramic discs coupled with racing pads. Specially developed to allow the new car to exploit the best available technology, the new CCM-Rs havesignificant advantages in terms of thermal conductivity and maximum braking power, typical of carbon used in competitions.Characteristics that allow for greater rigidity and lower operating temperatures in extreme track use while, at the same time,helping to extend the life cycle of the system.

Tyres and wheels

With its unparalleled experience in motorsport, international GT3 and single-make championships, and a glorious racing past and present rooted in the famous victory in the very first F1 race at Silverstone in May 1950, Pirelli has dedicated the last 110 years ofits history to developing the best racing tyre technology to enhance the performance of the world’s best sports cars.

The long process of research and development carried out in partnership with Pagani Automobili resulted in a slick version of theP Zero tyres that offers maximum precision and a feeling of total control even to the non-professional driver, ensuringexceptional braking behaviour and optimal traction.

With standard sizes dictated by the world of racing, to ensure the greatest advantage in terms of cost and availability forcustomers, this P Zero slick version will benefit from all future Pirelli developments on motorsport tyres that can be fitted on thecar without any problem. Available in Dry and Wet versions, specially designed to allow the Huayra R to attack the tarmac in allconditions, Pirelli’s new tyre is designed to provide the grip needed to allow pin-point precision on every curve.

The monolithic rims, custom-designed in conjunction with APP Tech and forged from aluminium alloy, were designed to achieve maximum lightness in 19 inches.

The interior – One with the Driver

Inside the Huayra R, every detail is designed for all-round involvement and maximum adrenaline, for a raw, thrilling and unfiltered driving experience.

All essential controls, such as traction control, ABS map selection, radio communication and other important functions are immediately available on the quick-release, height and length adjustable steering wheel, which can be pulled out for easy access to the co*ckpit. The gearshift paddles are mounted at the rear of the steering wheel.

Secondary controls such as lights, engine maps, suspension maps and brake balance selector are available on the centre console. A high resolution, fully customizable, motorsport dashboard display feeds the driver with the necessary information to monitor the status of the vehicle. The onboard telemetry logs all vehicle data, enabling the driver and pit crew to analyzeperformance, find the perfect vehicle settings for any given track, and monitor the vehicle.

To perfectly match the driver’s ergonomics, the adjustable pedal set has been custom-designed in partnership with AP Racing exclusively for the Huayra R and incorporates the principles of lightness and style that are at the essence of this car.Crafted with the quality of finish and aesthetic attention typical of all the Atelier’s creations, the Huayra R’s co*ckpit cannot fail toimpress thanks to the meticulous design of every screw, lever and surface, making its extraordinary concentration ofspeed-focused technology an ideal driving environment, tailor-made for each driver.

Arte in Pista

An essential part of the Pagani experience are the meet-ups and shared moments dedicated to the members of the exclusive family of customers, eager to participate in the different events organised by the brand each year on four different continents tooffer an experience of full immersion in the Pagani world. These started with the Pagani Raduno, a highly personalised event, andnow an established tradition in the history of the Atelier. For more than 16 years, the various editions of this event have combineddays of driving along iconic routes and breathtaking landscapes, with unique lifestyle experiences, often ending with an entire daydedicated to top performance on the world’s most prestigious circuits.

With Arte In Pista (“art on the track”), the Pagani Atelier seeks to take the experience to a new level, offering a calendar packed with personalised events that will allow Huayra R owners to enjoy the full excitement of driving a Pagani Hypercar, pushing it toits maximum performance, with the dedicated assistance of the Pagani Team and the support of professional drivers. Fromindividual track days at internationally renowned circuits to group events, tailor-made for customers in North America, Europe,Asia and the Middle East: each occasion combines moments of leisure in beautiful locations with the raw excitement of drivingone’s own Pagani on the track.
A car sculpted in performance. Not just a track car, but a very intimate club of true adrenaline seekers.” Horacio Pagani

ENGINE: Pagani V12-R – 6.0 litres – naturally aspirated 12-cylinder V
POWER: 850 HP (625 kW) at 8250 rpm
TORQUE: 750 Nm from 5500 to 8300 rpm
TRANSMISSION: Rear-wheel Drive
GEARBOX: 6-speed sequential, non-synchronized dog ring gearbox
BRAKES: Brembo CCM-R ventilated discs: Front 410×38 mm with monolithic
6-piston calipers; Rear 390×34 mm with monolithic 6-piston calipers
WHEELS: APP forged monolithic aluminum alloy: Front 19 inches;
Rear 19 inches
TYRES: Pirelli P Zero slick version – Dry and Wet: Front 275/675 R19; Rear 325/705 R19
SUSPENSION: Forged aluminum alloy independent double wishbone with helical springs and
electronically controlled shock absorbers
CHASSIS: Monocoque in Pagani Carbo-Titanium HP62 G2 and Carbo-Triax HP62 with front
and rear tubular subframes in CrMo alloy steel
DRY WEIGHT: 1050 Kg (2314 lb)

The Pagani Huayra R (2024)


How do you get the Pagani Huayra in GT7? ›

GT7. This car can be purchased in the Pagani section of Brand Central for 1,350,000 Credits. An invitation is required to purchase this car.

How many Pagani Huayra R are there? ›

Pagani just unveiled the Huayra R, a track-only screamer to close out the Huayra line, which launched for 2014. It gets a one-off 838-hp 6.0-liter V-12 engineered and built by Mercedes-Benz's HWA racing subsidiary. There will be 30 Rs made, priced at $3.1 million, which is actually less than the Huayra Roadster BC.

What is the 0 60 mph of a Pagani Huayra? ›

Given the engine's output, we weren't surprised when it leapt to 60 mph in just 3.3 seconds at our test track. According to Pagani the roadster can generate up to 1.9 g's of continuous lateral acceleration when taken through a corner, with peaks of up to 2.2 g's.

Why did Lamborghini reject Pagani? ›

The car could do 0–60 MPH in just under 4 seconds and had a top speed of over 200 MPH. Still uninspired by his fascination with carbon fiber, Lamborghini did not pay much heed to it and a frustrated Pagani left Lamborghini in 1991 with his autoclave and team of engineers.

Which car is banned in the USA? ›

This hot number, the TVR Tuscan, is banned because of its lack of safety airbags and anti-lock brakes. Hot Cars says the safety standards in Europe are looser than here, but the vehicle is stunning, and would definitely be a popular purchase on the luxury end.

Is Pagani Imola a Huayra? ›

Even though this is derived from the Huayra, the official name for this Huayra variant is just 'Pagani Imola' as promoted by the company. A minor inaccuracy to point out for the in-game name. This car uses the same startup, idle, and rev sounds from the Pagani Utopia.

How rare is the Pagani Huayra? ›

Even by 'normal' supercar standards, Paganis are not run-of-the-mill machines. The combined production runs of the marque's first model, the Zonda, and its successor, the Huayra, stand at less than 1,000 in total, meaning each car remains a very uncommon sight no matter where you find yourself around the globe.

Why is Pagani rare? ›

Pagani cars are renowned for their exceptional craftsmanship, exclusivity, and performance, which contribute to their high price and rarity.

How loud is the Huayra R? ›

So if you have the mufflers it peaks at 110db, but if you do without them you've got a 140db noise weapon. That's right, 140db.

What car has the fastest 0 to 60? ›

Fastest from the blocks: 0-60 mph

As of today, the 2023 Dodge Challenger SRT Demon 170 crushes all with a 0-60 mph time of just 1.66 seconds. That's simply absurd, but keep in mind the Demon was engineered with the single-minded purpose of going fast in a straight line.

How fast is the Pagani Huayra R? ›

Behind the wheels sit a set of new CCM-R self-ventilated carbon-ceramic discs with motorsport pads. Those will be important, as the supercar has a top speed rated at 218 mph. Even if you happened to have a few million dollars kicking around in your account, this Pagani isn't for your “average” wealthy buyer.

Which Pagani car is fastest? ›

Pagani Huayra — 238 MPH.

How fast is a Bugatti 0 to 60? ›

Bugatti Chiron Super Sport 300+ goes 0 to 60 mph in 2.3 Seconds.

Can you drive a Pagani in the USA? ›

You cannot legally drive a Pagani Zonda in the US. There are several (approximately 10) in the US that get driven periodically. Most are here under “Show and Display” titles granted by the EPA and DOT. This permits them to be driven up to 2,500 miles per year.

Are there any Paganis in the US? ›

As one of only six Pagani dealerships in North America, Dallas stands as a privileged destination for purchasing and servicing one of the world's most exclusive cars.

Why is Koenigsegg illegal in the US? ›

Why is Koenigsegg illegal in the US? - Quora. Because they, as a car manufacturer, haven't undergone the testing required to be certified safe enough to be sold in the US. The reason why that hasn't been done is because Koenigsegg doesn't see enough profit in the sales to be worth the expense of the testing.

What Pagani is street-legal? ›

Lanzante has also built street-legal versions of the Pagani Zonda R, another wild track machine. That being said, we can't wait to see the Huayra R on the streets of Miami.

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

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Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.