The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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THE PLAIN DEALER SUNDAY MAY 9 1965 nr Wife Guide Climb Too Tennessee Safari Bags Wild Blue Boar 1x6 Look! 4 Section Reg 6450 501 EECTIVE IMMEDIATELY IDEAL LUMBER CO fiOES DISCOUNT! ROOM ADDITION 9 back in layout pre OVERHEAD GARAGE ANDERSON DOOR Co Just South of Horvord BIG I4'xl2' the competi entry from The construction era ahead is primed for greater achievements and majestic accomplishments are possi ble with concrete according to Tasso Katselas Pitts burgh architect He made this forecast before a recent concrete conference jointly staged by Kent State Uni department of ar chitecture and the Portland Cement Association at Kent Katselas took issue with the reaching out by a large por hunt large mov days Port wide PHOTO HUNTER Mrs Anita White of Cleve land was treed by this Tennessee wild boar before her husband James killed the angry animal with five rifle shots She was hunt ing with cameras TROPHY BLUE BOAR Lawrence Carey left owner and guide of Caryonah Hunting Pre serve in Tennessee and James White of Cleveland found this wild boar downed by White weighed 312 pounds after it was field dressed It had four inch tusks WE DO EXPERT CEMENT WORK! Our Representative Will Gladly Call Without Obligation ALL BANK INANCING boar loaded trophy Whites and the dogs into the Jeep and hurried back to the hunt ing lodge There Carey used 17 stitches to close Spot's torn hide Later that afternoon the Whites and Old Charlie went out again for more photo graphs of the mountain scen ery The guide noticed tracks of two big boar They followed the tracks half way up a mountain before they saw a flash of movement in brush James moved up ahead with Old Charlie An ita followed taking still and movie shots The boar a large one broke out about 70 yards away James following the instructions to shoot before the boar passed through an open area fired PUBLIC NOTICE SPRING SURPLUS SALE! His shot through the chest and heart killed the boar As the three moved cau tiously up on the downed boar marked with unusual blue spots suddenly they heard the companion boar in thick brush right behind his fallen companion The three had time only to jump into trees as the second boar came charging out of its cov er The boar swerved twice looking for an antagonist aod then ran off down the moitn tain The blue boar field dressed at 312 pounds At end both James and Anita White felt they had enjoyed a suc cessful hunting trip with ri fle and cameras Anita also had some trophy blue bruises to prove she was an expert wild boar huntress camera style i Mkr County OftiCP 942 5900 guide James and Anita As the hounds circled the boars James and Anita followed a brush trail toward a heavy thicket Suddenly a black boar broke out James fired hit the boar in the head but the boar turned and charged past as the Whites and the guide went up three trees The hounds galloped by in chase 16' CAB OVER SLEEPS $1395 COMPLETE! Trailer Sales 1111 Irwkpirk I Brudvlto SH 9 OPEN EVERY DAY 10 8 AUTOMATIC GARAGE DOOR minr UrLAAlUAd HONDURAS BASS Glenn Lau Port Clinton's well known Lake Erie charter fishing boat skipper ran into plenty of fishing trouble on his busman's fishing holiday in Mexico Gua temala and Honduras This 1 3 pound large mouth grabbed Lau's bass lure on light spin ning line in Lago de Yojoa Honduras and gave Lau a rough half hour before it tired and could be boated ABOUT A MILE away the hounds brought the wounded boar to bay James was able to close in for a killing shot in the chest He fired The slug hit the chest but the boar only whirled on the two attacking hounds It threw one dog Spot over its head ripping the dog's side and chest with big tusks and battered uz the other big hound aside i Again the boar charged right at the Whites and the guide All three made it up trees in a quick step and jump Anita was highest above the ground at this time The boar ran another half mile before stopping Both Spot and uz ignoring their wounds and bruises went af ter the boar In the fight as the dogs tried to hold the boar by its ears James had to be careful when he fired again He hit the furious boar with three more shots before it dropped dead THE GUIDE QUICKLY field dressed the 245 pound Ben Dale division ecutive vice president of' Ducks Unlimited Kamman will then step up as chief of the division Anderson will become assistant chief This closing of ranks con tinues to give Ohio top ranked chiefs in the division with Roach 36 now enforcement supervisor I if i District 2 at indlay moving up to succeed Anderson Columbus Your Once a Year Chance to Save Up to 25 DEAL DIRECT Vanis Lumber Co 16800 Milos WA 1 8380 I SOO foot fatt of Lee Rd I the county picture certain broad changes can be seen Chief among them is the declining i a nee of home building in the county as a whole In the past 20 years the proportion of one and two family permits to total countywide building in five year periods was 54 in the first up to 57 in the second down moderately to 51 in the third and off sharply to only 33 in the five years ended in 1964 or suburban areas alone one and two family dwell ings accounted for 68 of the volume in the late 1940s increased slightly to 69 in the first half of the dipped to 61 in the last half of the decade then fell sharply to 43 in the first half of the 1960s CONVERSELY suburban construction other than homes rose from 32 in the late 1940s to 57 in the 1960s to date stantial proportions in three It would be a mistake of of the years course to think of overall On the suburban side of suburban patterns applying equally to all suburbs Some suburbs have a substantial mixture of heavy industry while others are almost com pletely residential in charac ter Some are virtually all built up while others still have sizable tracts of vacant land All six of the leading sub urbs with respect to build ing volume in 1952 54 Par ma Euclid Shaker Heights South Euclid Cuyahoga Heights and Garfield Heights showed a small er volume of building 10 years later Only two of them Parma and Euclid were still among the top six in 1962 64 The other four were re placed by North Olmsted the current leader Lake wood Cleveland Heights and Parma Heights Interestingly two of the current suburban leaders in building volume Lakewood and Cleveland Heights are older suburbs COMPLETE PACKAGE Include! ALL materials double construction 3 windows floor tile pre finished wall paneling siding all interior and exterior trim moldings nails and frM blueprint plus labor $EE fQR YOURSEL CALL NOW! 68000 in the early 1960s the lowest level since the begin ning of the 1950s urther analysis of avail able building information bv the bank suggests other de velopments of interest to the Greater Cleveland commu nity ONE IS THE matter of suburban trends versus cen tral city trends A common impression is that Cleveland is a largely built up area surrounded by suburbs that are less built up and that Cleveland therefore must account for less and less of the building activ ity By and large this has been the postwar pattern but there has been a definite reversal of that trend in the past five years Based on the dollar value of permits Cleveland ac counted for 37 of county wide building volume in the last half of the 1940s The gap widened in the 1950s when portion dropped to 31 in the first half of the decade and to 24 in the last half The low water mark was reached in 1959 when only 20 of Cuyahoga building took place within the city limits of Cleveland Since 1960 the picture has changed abruptly In the first five years of this dec ade share has increased to an annual aver age of 31 The percentage by years was 28 (1960) 30 (1961) 28 (1962) 33 (1963) and 35 in 1964 THE BANK NOTES that the advance was fairly well spread out during the five years and so cannot be at tributed to any single cause such as the Erieview devel opment which noticeably af fected only the last two years Hospital and school building within Cleveland figured prominently in four of the past five years man ufacturing building had two good though not exception al years while apartment construction reached sub Jack Kamman Working for the Ohio Wild life Division is well worn old hat for both Jack Kam man 38 and Ben Ander son 47 Kamman has put in a dozen years of service with the division service began in 1947 As of today Kamman is assistant chief of the divi sion Anderson is state su pervisor of law enforcement in the division JUNE 1 things will change This model and plans for a 52 unit two story concrete apartment house complex won rederick Leonard Toledo architectural student at Kent State University a summer scholarship to ontainebleau School of Arts and Music in Paris and the scroll tion of the architectural pro fession for some new philoso phy to give birth to new de sign Design he said will be determined by the use of the building Although concrete has been known since the of ancient Rome and land cement was in 1824 the and varied use of it today makes it the true 20th cen tury building material Reinforced with steel it has great strength Treated with assorted additives it has plasticity and elasticity that makes continuous spans possible and allows for great flexibility in design he pointed out A design is not made from the inside out Rather he said it is a synthesis of component basic lines The inside when built with concrete can achieve an articulation of spaces doorways and passages into a rhythmic whole urther he added a build ing of concrete is a quiet building where a great deal of work can be done The Portland Cement As sociation presented a scroll and a three month summer scholarship at the ontaine bleau School of Arts and Music in Paris to rederick Leonard of Toledo a fourth year student in archi tecture at KSU The award was one of eight made to students from 74 schools of architecture which were eli gible to enter tion with one each school sen ted a poured concrete apartment house complex in three circles Each of the 52 dwelling units is two stories high and suggests a duplex Structural engineer Rich ard Gensert of RM Gen sert Associates here showed scores of designs of concrete columns beams and other structural forms on slides Such concrete units can be shaped almost endlessly with each fitted to its par ticular purpose he said And they provide a highly desir able "integrity of Concrete also has a high versatility in transfer ring loads within a structure he pointed out Anderson Whitesell present: chief becomes ex New Wildlife Chiefs Earn Promotion Through Service CERTIIED nkSinmM? 0" GUAIANTB 19106 Miles MO 2 0400 Open Oiiln 8 8 Sat 'til 1:00 Mon Eves to 8 Building Sets 3 Year Record in Cuyahoga Over the past three years the aggregate valuation of aheration hoga County reached a record $1 billion A record $350 million was noted in 1963 This was fol lowed by a valuation of $366 million in 1964 nvwcvci me uUllu Ing permits issued in Cuya hoga County in the three year period from 1962 64 were far from a record But they do show the first sign of a sustained upturn since volume began to slide after the mid 1950s The rise in building costs over the years has tended to offset some of the rise in dollar volume Changes in costs are difficult to cope with precisely since reliable indexes of local building costs are not available ac cording to the ederal Re serve Bank of Cleveland EVEN THE number of building permits an actual count of projects may not be entirely reliable as a measure of physical volume of building activity since a single permit may represent either a large or small proj ect The building permit count for the three years ending in 1954 was 71451 and for the period ending in 1955 it was 78000 Succeeding three year totals rose to 82000 at the end of 1956 and 83600 at the close of 1957 a record Subsequent three year totals dropped off regularly finally dipping to about 1 Knotty Pine Paneling Reg 24e Now iq ft 11 3x6'8" Storm Screen 1490 Doort Reg 2400 Now New Glazed Windows tl Eft (All ttock sizes) Each I Storm Sash (all sizes $200 Reg Approx $800 Ea 2x4x8 1 and Clear Rog 80e each 04 All Lumber for 14x20 GARAGE 1 framing material and clear fir dropsiding $175 KSU Parley Stresses Versatility By Louis Gale Outdoor Editor Greater faith hath no wife than she who follows her husband camera in hand on a Tennessee wild boar hunt So it was with Anita White of 14083 Coit Road Her husband James meat man ager of isher oods at 13550 Euclid Avenue is stalwart and brave Also he carried a hard hittins 35 caliber Marlin rifle during the wild boar hunting at Caryonah Hunting Preserve at Crossville Tenn James who planned this trophy boar hunt for some time had warned Lawrence Carev owner of Carvonah that Anita a very spunky lass was determined to go along vixxviux aiiivi aiuau Carey had reassured James Anita would have practically no trouble with ungentlemanly boars during the hunt if she simply kept a climbable tree handy Like a step away ANITA HAD HER own Mona Lisa smile going when James told her how easy it is to quick jump astraddle a tree high enough to be above slashing tusks Back at the hunting lodge on their arrival James and Anita were briefed and run through the tree climbing routine Anita passed the test satisfactorily although the two cameras hung on her neck did bounce a bit but not too bruisingly Carey turned the Whites over to Lewis half Cherokee Indian guide who was born and raised in this Cumberland Mountain area After the three put away a 10 man lumber camp breakfast of eggs bacon ham pancakes biscuits jam and coffee they started the first hunt after a jeep ride back into the hills THE MORNING turned up tracks of boar but the boar kept ing ahead and over the mountain Lewis then w'ent back to the lodge for two big mixed breed boar hounds Soon the hounds bayed the four boar and the chase was on Over the mountain and again boars hounds Urge Sports Attend Annual County ish Game Hearing Dale Whitesell chief of quarters and then to the ft the Ohio Wildlife Division nal statewide hearing in is urging all interested Columbus usually held in 1 Cuyahoga County sportsmen early June to attend the annual public fish and game hearing to inuiiuw ai nuiei ivianger at 8 pm I The county hearing is be Ing co sponsored by the di vision and Northern Ohio ish and Game Protective' Association I Proposed fish and game regulations for the year will be presented by wildlife di vision specialists Those present at the hearing will be able to offer any changes or suggestions covering fish and game regulations Recommendations will be presented to district head neuuny flew The Apollo! RE A I LUMBER WY 1 4600 III 41 A I ITlth Qf I I kl Ik Illi UH ajw I 4 I i IL I Xt Io 8HnS3g8HH BB Hf i DOORS I I I (I SIZES STYLES GALORE! I AT OHIO'S LARGEST DOOR STORE! Bp aMBWk iBSBif 4BH 1 Bl I I 1 SBa 11 lB SSSttB II WIMBwg 3: 131 IDEAL LUMBER The Mosf Trusted all home remodeling Name in Home Modernization available at equal savings KITCHENS BATHROOMS ATTIC ROOM base ft wall cabinoti link Sink commode bathtub modi 12x24' incl labor mat knotty faucet formica fop Ideal Lumber cine cabinet Includes Labor ft pine mahog ply or drywall Price As low ai Material As low as Coiling tile $429 hc met loborl I $pdal $394 low a $626 plus floor) I ATTIC DORMER IB IB ft EQ a iis ibof Wv EMa nd mfrnh Tofii price Positively Guarantee the Best Garage In Town at Lowest Price! 5795 Price I BUT 1 BEATS OUR BUY AT BUILDER'S PRICES COST JOB PAY PER WK URetlAftei $U0 $1'18 REE Mat'l Selection REMODEL $300 $221 Wl Also Install At Lowest Pries AND wn NO money down PAY THE IDEAL $800 $390 UP T0 0 YEARS TO PAY 'y.

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The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Author information

Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.