The EASIEST Whole-Roasted Butternut Squash {no pre-peeling, chopping, or deseeding!} - The Clever Carrot (2024)

Ditch the struggle. Learn how to whole-roast butternut squash the EASY WAY without any prep work. No pre-peeling, chopping or deseeding (yes really!). Use for creamy butternut squash soup, side dishes and more!

The EASIEST Whole-Roasted Butternut Squash {no pre-peeling, chopping, or deseeding!} - The Clever Carrot (1)

It was winter 2016. Jamie Oliver was making a butternut squash recipe on TV. He took the entire squash, the whole thing, and threw it into the oven (skin on and everything!). He placed it directly onto the oven rack, shut the door and walked away. That was it. No big deal. My eyes widened.

Wait, what? He wasn’t going to cut the butternut squash first?Everyone knows cutting butternut squash is a struggle. Let me remind you. First, there’s the slippery business of peeling that darn thing. Then, as you cut it, your knife gets stuck halfway through (why?!). And what about the seeds? Those little slimy things deeply entangled in long, stringy orange bits?

The EASIEST Whole-Roasted Butternut Squash {no pre-peeling, chopping, or deseeding!} - The Clever Carrot (2)
The EASIEST Whole-Roasted Butternut Squash {no pre-peeling, chopping, or deseeding!} - The Clever Carrot (3)

Whole-Roasted Butternut Squash

Apparently, Jamie’s not into the struggle. You shouldn’t be either. His method of roasting butternut squash whole, and I mean truly roasting it whole (no pre-peeling, chopping or deseeding) is nothing new; we’re just not accustomed to it. But if you think about it, it’s like baking a potato. The whole thing goes into the oven. No olive oil, herbs or spices. Completely naked.

The Benefit?

Less work for you, more concentrated flavor and 100% convenience. You still have to peel the skin when the squash is cooked but it’s SO MUCH EASIER. It slips right off. Cutting the squash is no longer akin to sawing an ice block… and those pesky seeds? Still slimy, but they’ll release in one swift scoop. If you can’t use the butternut squash right away, it can be chilled or frozen. I portion the butternut squash into individual containers.

What Can It Be Used For?

Since the texture of whole-roasted butternut squash is soft, use it in recipes where it makes sense: creamy butternut squash soup, homemade ravioli filling, muffins, pasta sauces and whatever else your heart desires. Sometimes I just mash it up with a little creme fraiche and Parmesan cheese, and serve as a side dish with red-wine braised chicken for dinner. So good. It takes less than 5 minutes to do and requires zero thought.

The EASIEST Whole-Roasted Butternut Squash {no pre-peeling, chopping, or deseeding!} - The Clever Carrot (4)
The EASIEST Whole-Roasted Butternut Squash {no pre-peeling, chopping, or deseeding!} - The Clever Carrot (5)
The EASIEST Whole-Roasted Butternut Squash {no pre-peeling, chopping, or deseeding!} - The Clever Carrot (6)
The EASIEST Whole-Roasted Butternut Squash {no pre-peeling, chopping, or deseeding!} - The Clever Carrot (7)

Ingredients You Will Need

  • Butternut squash- as many as you’d like.

How to Whole-Roast Butternut Squash

Place scrubbed and clean butternut squash onto a parchment-lined sheet pan. Bake at 400 F for approximately 1 hour or more, depending on size. The skin should start to collapse when it’s ready; a sharp knife will easily slip out when pierced. Cool for 20 minutes or so, and then peel off the skin. Scoop out the seeds. Done.

But Wait… Can You Whole-Roast Other Types of Squash?

Absolutely! So far, I’ve tested the whole-roast method with acorn squash, carnival squash, home-grown cheese pumpkin and sugar pumpkin (for pumpkin pie). All successful. When experimenting yourself, just play around with the bake time as needed, depending on the squash variety and size.

The EASIEST Whole-Roasted Butternut Squash {no pre-peeling, chopping, or deseeding!} - The Clever Carrot (8)


The EASIEST Whole-Roasted Butternut Squash {no pre-peeling, chopping, or deseeding!} - The Clever Carrot (9)

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  • Author: Emilie Raffa
  • Cook Time: 1 hour
  • Total Time: 1 hour
  • Yield: 1 quart mashed squash
  • Category: Side Dish
  • Method: Oven-Baked
  • Cuisine: American
  • Diet: Vegan
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Ditch the struggle. Learn how to roast butternut squash the EASY WAY without any prep work. No pre-peeling, chopping or deseeding (yes really!). Just whole-roast it in the oven until soft and tender. Use for creamy butternut squash soup, ravioli filling and incredible muffins!


  • 1 butternut squash (medium-sized)


  1. Preheat the oven to 400 F. Line a sheet pan with parchment paper or foil. Clean and scrub the butternut squash. Dry thoroughly and set aside.
  2. Place the butternut squash onto the sheet pan- no need for oil, herbs or seasoning. Do not cut it. The whole thing goes in whole, as is.
  3. Bake for 1 hour until soft. The squash is ready when a knife easily slips out when pierced and the skin starts to collapse. Allow for more time as needed, depending on the size of your squash.
  4. Remove from the oven. Cool for 20 minutes or so. Peel off the skin, cut it in half, and scoop out the seeds.
  5. Mash the cooked butternut squash with a fork. Portion into individual containers. Chill for up to 3 days; freeze up to 3 months.
The EASIEST Whole-Roasted Butternut Squash {no pre-peeling, chopping, or deseeding!} - The Clever Carrot (2024)
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