How to freeze avocados (2024)

We explain how to freeze avocados so you can use them later.

Avocados are notorious for having a short window of being actually edible. They are seemingly green and hard for the longest time and before you know it, they’ve gone brown and you’re throwing them in the bin. Therefore, when you finally catch some in the ‘just right’ stage, it’s a good idea to freeze them to have on hand later. (As awesome as they are, there are only so many smashed avos on toast one can eat.)

Can you freeze avocados?

Yes, you can freeze avocado but make sure you use ones that are just-ripe (not super soft). Scoop flesh from skin in chunks and arrange on a baking paper-lined tray. Freeze avos for about 30 minutes or until firm, then transfer to a freezer bag and expel air.

You can keep avocados in the freezer for up to one month. To defrost, just leave them on your kitchen bench if you’re going to use soon, or put them in the fridge overnight. Be aware that the texture will not be quite as good as fresh, so frozen avos are best used in smoothies.

More tips on freezing food

Our best avocado recipes



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How to freeze avocados (2024)


How to freeze avocados? ›

The Best Way to Freeze Avocados: Mashing the Avocado

How do you store cut avocados in the freezer? ›

Just like a banana, peel the skin away from the fruit halves. You can also use a small spoon to scoop out the flesh. Slice into quarters (or leave them halved). Place into a resealable bag (removing as much air as possible) and freeze for up to one month.

Do avocados taste good after being frozen? ›

Because water expands when the avocado freezes, its texture will change. This means frozen and thawed avocados will not be as fresh, flavorful, or buttery as a fresh avocado. That's why we do not recommend freezing avocados — good thing fresh, ripe Avocados From Mexico are always in season!

Can you freeze and thaw whole avocados? ›

Whole avocados tend to become brown and very mushy upon thawing. As such, you should cut, mash, or purée the fruit before freezing. Frozen avocado has a shelf life of 4–6 months, but commercial products may last even longer due to added preservatives (8).

What is the best way to eat frozen avocados? ›

Mashed up with some lime juice and salt and scooped up with chips was a perfectly palatable way to use our thawed frozen avocado. Again, just like with toast, any frozen avocado taste or texture difference will be masked when the guacamole has a lot going on. Throw in some cheese, tomatoes, roasted garlic or onion.

How do restaurants keep avocados from turning brown? ›

According to Chef Betsy Wiegand of Great White, a coastal-Californian cafe in Venice Beach, California, adding a squeeze of lemon to a cut avocado can help prevent browning. To further preserve its hue, she also emphasizes the importance of storing it completely covered to reduce the oxygen exposure.

Is it better to freeze ripe or unripe avocados? ›

Yes, you can freeze avocados! But it's important to make sure they're at peak ripeness before you do. Unripe avocados will probably never ripen if they're frozen. You don't need to jump through any hoops if you're freezing a whole avocado—just put the fruit in the freezer and call it a day.

Can you freeze avocados without them turning brown? ›

Freezing Sliced Avocado

Izquierdo explains how to slice and freeze avocado: Cut the avocado in half and remove pit by gently working a spoon underneath it. Peel off skin, cut avocado flesh into slices or cubes as desired. Gently brush slices or cubes with a little lime or lemon juice to help prevent browning.

How do you defrost frozen avocados? ›

To thaw and use, I suggest moving them from the freezer into the fridge the night before you're ready to use them. You could also just place them in a bowl of room temperature water on the counter for an hour before using. Avocados do brown even after they've been frozen, so work quick once you want to use them up!

Can frozen avocado be used for guacamole? ›

Consequently, frozen avocados are perfect for the most famous avocado dish of all: guacamole. Not only will mashing avocado with lime juice mask the slightly mushy consistency of thawed frozen avocado, but it will also ingratiate its flavor.

How long does an avocado last in the fridge? ›

If you refrigerate an unripe avocado, it will ripen eventually, but the texture and taste may be compromised. If your avocado is ripe, place the whole, uncut avocado in an airtight container or in the produce drawer in the refrigerator. It should be good for about two weeks, depending on how ripe it was going in.

Why is freezing avocados not recommended? ›

Unfortunately, avocado not only loses its smooth, creamy texture, it also loses much of its fresh flavor in the freezer. Frozen avocado typically loses some of its vibrant color and turns a bit brown or grayish in the freezer, too.

How to freeze avocados correctly? ›

Whole: To freeze whole avocados, rinse the outer skin thoroughly, then dry and wrap each in plastic wrap. Next, place the wrapped avocados in a freezer-friendly plastic or reusable silicon bag, seal it, then store it in the freezer.

What can I do with excess avocados? ›

Waste Saving Ideas
  1. Guac Avo-Obvi. Served up with salty chips and a refreshing beverage, cool, spicy guacamole is a summertime staple.
  2. Smoothies and Shakes. ...
  3. Hummus. ...
  4. Chocolate Mousse. ...
  5. Baked Goods. ...
  6. Paletas. ...
  7. Salad Dressing. ...
  8. Mayo Replacer.
Jul 31, 2018

Do avocados freeze dry well? ›

Freeze drying avocados allows them to stay green and fresh for years. A freeze-dried avocado keeps its vibrant green color and nearly all of its nutritional benefits, and, they are so easy to rehydrate. Just spritz avocado slices with cold water and let them rehydrate in the fridge.

Can you make guacamole from frozen avocado? ›

Consequently, frozen avocados are perfect for the most famous avocado dish of all: guacamole. Not only will mashing avocado with lime juice mask the slightly mushy consistency of thawed frozen avocado, but it will also ingratiate its flavor.

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