The Best Way to Cook Cauliflower Rice (2024)

Epinion: This process yields great results, but it's too fussy.

Cooking Method: Steamed In Water, Then Grated

I then tried steaming the whole cauliflower florets first, using a traditional steamer basket set into a medium-sized pot. Once cooled, I grated the cooked cauliflower. Although this greatly simplified the process, the cauliflower rice tasted waterlogged and was mushy.

Epinion: Steaming whole cauliflower florets doesn't work.

Cooking Method: Cooked in Water

After steaming, I tried cooking the cauliflower rice the way rice is cooked: I added the grated cauliflower to a small amount of simmering water, covered the pan, and let the cauliflower cook until the water evaporated. Again, this yielded watery mush.

Epinion: Cauliflower rice shouldn't be cooked the same way as rice.

Cooking Method: Boiled

Not wanting to give up on the ease of water-cooking, I gave some of the grated cauliflower a quick dunk in a pot of boiling water and then in ice water to try out quick-blanching. But yet again, the cauliflower rice was wet and squishy.

Epinion: Water + tiny granules of cauliflower rice = soggy cauliflower.

Cooking Method: Microwaved

Epi just spent a week proclaiming its love for the microwave, so I had to see if the convenience appliance could make cauliflower-rice magic. I placed the grated cauliflower into a microwave-safe bowl, stirred in the tablespoon of oil, covered the bowl tightly with plastic wrap, and cooked for about 3 minutes. And viola! Super easy, delicious texture with distinct rice kernels, and clean flavor, very similar to the steamed version, minus the mess of the cheesecloth.

Epinion: For the easiest and cleanest white-rice—esque cauliflower, use the microwave.

Cooking Method: Sautéed

Finally, I turned to high-heat methods of cooking the cauliflower, heating up the olive oil in a pan and sautéing the grated cauliflower until lightly cooked. The taste was much richer than the microwaved cauliflower (or any of the boiled/steamed versions), but the cruciferous flavor was much stronger.

Epinion: For a sweeter, more cauliflower-forward rice, sautéing is a great option.

Cooking Method: Roasted

For the final test, I tossed the grated cauliflower with the oil, then roasted it on a baking sheet at 400°F for about 12 minutes. This version had the sweetest flavor, thanks to the caramelization of the cauliflower. But again, that earthy, cauliflower funk was much more apparent than in other cooking methods. Cauliflower rice made this way makes a great side dish on its own, seasoned simply with butter, salt, pepper, and perhaps some cheese, but for a white rice alternative, the microwaved rice was the clear winner.

Epinion: For a quick-cooking, caramelized cauliflower side dish, roasting is the way to go.

Once I figured out the best way to cook it, I was ready to turn it into something delicious. The microwave-steamed rice has a nice, neutral flavor, making it a great base for a salad, or to serve with curry, or hearty dishes like chili or beef stroganoff. But for a dish in which the cauliflower rice stars, I went with the bright, bold flavors of tabbouleh, adding in lots of herbs, lemon juice, crunchy cucumber, and juicy cherry tomatoes. The best part: It's so delicious and flavor-packed, you hardly notice the "real" grains are missing.

The Best Way to Cook Cauliflower Rice (2024)


How to make cauliflower rice that isn t soggy? ›

One additional step I like is to press any excess moisture from the rice by transferring the cauliflower rice to a large paper towel or absorbent dish towel and squeeze/press to remove any remaining water. This ensures no excess moisture remains, which can make your dish soggy.

Is cauliflower rice actually healthy? ›

Substituting cauliflower rice for white rice is a great way to get more antioxidants while reducing calories and carbohydrates in order to save room for other nutrient dense foods.

How do you take the bitterness out of cauliflower rice? ›

In a large skillet, heat 1 teaspoon of olive oil over medium heat. Add the scallions and cauliflower and sauté until heated through, about 3 to 5 minutes. Season with salt, pepper, and a squeeze of lime juice to help remove any bitterness from the raw cauliflower.

Does cauliflower rice soak up liquid? ›

For one, it doesn't absorb liquid like rice does, so riced cauliflower alongside stews and curries will be more watery.

Do you cook cauliflower rice the same as regular rice? ›

While cauliflower is a great stand-in for rice, these “grains” don't actually need to be cooked in water like rice. Simmering riced cauliflower will leave it soft and mushy, without the toothsome texture that makes it such a good replacement.

How do you keep cauliflower from getting mushy? ›

Not Draining Excess Water. "If you want to make cauliflower rice or cauliflower pizza crust, you'll need to wring out the excess moisture using a clean kitchen towel," says Blay. If you don't, your cauliflower will be far too mushy to imitate the carbs you're trying to replace.

How do you hide the taste of cauliflower rice? ›

Stirring in fresh lime or lemon juice can add a new dimension to your cauliflower rice. Try adding lime juice and cilantro to make cilantro-lime rice, which works great as a base or a side. Drizzle on sauce. A spoonful of sauce such as chimichurri can mask any cauliflower-iness in the rice.

What do you soak cauliflower in? ›

The separated florets have to be washed properly under a tap. This removes dirt and large parasites such as worms. The next step is cleaning the cauliflower in mildly warm water in which a little salt was dissolved. This process – which should last 10-20 minutes - destroys several microbes and large parasites.

Is cauliflower rice supposed to be crunchy? ›

Epinion: Raw cauliflower rice is crunchy, and works to add texture to a salad, but it doesn't mimic cooked rice.

Is cauliflower rice good for weight loss? ›

Cauliflower has several properties that may help with weight loss. First, it is low in calories with only 27 calories per cup (107 g), so you can eat a lot of it without significantly increasing your calorie intake ( 1 ). It can also serve as a low calorie substitute for high calorie foods, such as rice and flour.

Does riced cauliflower taste like rice? ›

However, since cauliflower is a mild-tasting vegetable, it can be somewhat chameleon-like and seem just like rice after adding spices and seasonings. Whether you prepare it rather plainly, like typical rice pilaf, or spiced up, like Spanish rice, you can serve it just like you serve rice.

How long to boil cauliflower? ›

It can also be boiled (takes 5-10 mins for florets; around 10 mins for a whole cauliflower). For both cooking methods, test regularly with the tip of a knife to make sure they don't overcook.

How can I make my rice less soggy? ›

Thus, always stir rice occasionally to avoid rice from turning sticky. If the rice ends up being sticky and soggy, then a simple way to fix it is by adding extra water, this will dilute the starchy part and cook it again, and then drain the excess water to achieve that perfect texture.

Why is my cauliflower soggy? ›

Crowding the cauliflower on the pan could make them cook up mushy and a bit soggy. Leave some space between the florets. Be sure not to use too much olive oil to cook them.

Why is my cauliflower crust soggy? ›

I originally posted this recipe back in 2011, when I learned the secret to making a cauliflower pizza crust that isn't soggy. (You need to squeeze out the moisture from the cooked cauliflower before making your crust mixture!)

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.