5 Incredible Health Benefits Of Coleslaw Salad (2024)

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Here are the top health benefits of coleslaw salad that you may not know

If you love to eat salad, the delicious coleslaw salad will leave you wanting more. Coleslaw salad typically consists of a combination of finely shredded raw cabbage along with a salad dressing and vinaigrette. Read through this guide to discover the incredible benefits of coleslaw salad.

Improves Gut Health

  • Coleslaw salad is rich in fiber because of the presence of raw cabbage. The RDA of fiber for an adult is 30g per day. It can become challenging to consume this much amount of fiber per day. However, 120 g portion of cabbage is sufficient to meet 10% of daily fiber needs. The insoluble fiber in the coleslaw salad passes through the stomach undigested.

Cabbage is a natural prebiotic that provides food to bacterial species in the gut including bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. A healthy gut microbiome is crucial for regulating the immune system and overall health. In addition, fiber gives satiety which means it can keep you full for longer and prevents unhealthy snacking.

Source Of Vitamin C

  • Cabbage is packed with antioxidants including vitamin C which provides several health benefits. Citrus fruits are typically known for having a high content of vitamin C but cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage are a rich source of Vitamin C.

60% of daily vitamin C needs can be met by consuming 100 g of raw cabbage. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system, neutralizes toxins, and protects cellular integrity. In doing so, this antioxidant can reduce the risk of chronic diseases including cancer and heart diseases.

Provides Folate

  • Daily folate requirements are about 400mcg and a 100g portion of raw cabbage provides about 11% of total folate needs. Diminished levels of folate can cause body aches and general fatigue.

In addition, deficiency of folate can lower serotonin levels in the body. For this reason, vitamin B12 is sometimes used in combination with folate to treat depression.

Source Of Phytochemicals

  • 5 Incredible Health Benefits Of Coleslaw Salad (1)Phytochemicals are the chemical substances naturally made by plants and are beneficial for humans. Phytochemicals protect plants against infections and predators. In humans. These chemicals play an important role in improving human health by reducing the risk of certain diseases.

Sinigrin is a phytochemical present in cabbage that has cardiovascular and anti-cancerous effects as indicated by research studies. However, more research is needed to form a conclusive statement.

Provides Vitamin K

In addition to improving immunity, detoxifying the body, and aiding in digestion, coleslaw also provides vitamin K. Vitamin K is abundantly present in cabbage and it can store minerals in the bones. Through its bone mineralization properties, vitamin K can help improve bone health.

The deficiency of vitamin K can lead to certain complications such as the hardening of blood vessels. Therefore coleslaw salad should be incorporated into a healthy and well-balanced diet for the prevention of diseases and the improvement of health.

Mike’s Amazing Cole Slaw Dressing

  • Mike’s Amazing Cole Slaw Dressing can be used as a rich base that goes well with an assortment of cabbage and other vegetables to make a delicious Cole Slaw Salad. Moreover, it can be used as a topping, can be added to dishes, or simply served as a side dish with savory meals. Mike’s Amazing Coleslaw Dressing is delicious, fresh, and tastes homemade.

Coleslaw can inarguably be included in a healthy diet. It contains super healthy vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and phytochemicals that are crucial to health. You can add ingredients of your choice to make the healthiest salad with Mike’s Amazing Cole Slaw Dressing.

Mike’s Amazing Cole Slaw Dressing is made with a perfect blend of fresh and highest-quality ingredients. To place your order, contact Mike’s Amazing brand. We manufacture multiple sauces, condiments, mayonnaise, and salad dressings. Call us at 201-596-3717 or visit us in Saddle Brook, New Jersey.

5 Incredible Health Benefits Of Coleslaw Salad (2024)


5 Incredible Health Benefits Of Coleslaw Salad? ›

In addition to improving immunity, detoxifying the body, and aiding in digestion, coleslaw also provides vitamin K. Vitamin K is abundantly present in cabbage and it can store minerals in the bones. Through its bone mineralization properties, vitamin K can help improve bone health.

What are the benefits of coleslaw salad? ›

In addition to improving immunity, detoxifying the body, and aiding in digestion, coleslaw also provides vitamin K. Vitamin K is abundantly present in cabbage and it can store minerals in the bones. Through its bone mineralization properties, vitamin K can help improve bone health.

Is it healthy to eat coleslaw every day? ›

Yes. Coleslaw can absolutely be part of a healthy eating plan as long as you choose your dressing carefully. Toby Amidor, MS, RD, CDN, is a registered dietitian and consultant who specializes in food safety and culinary nutrition.

Is coleslaw good for gut bacteria? ›

Slaw – what are the benefits number 1

The fibre passes through the stomach undigested giving friendly bacteria species like bifidobacterial and lactobacilli food to digest in your gut (meaning that cabbage is a natural “prebiotic”).

Is cole slaw a probiotic? ›

This simple and flavor-packed coleslaw is a great alternative to the typical mayonnaise slaw. It is made with a rainbow of vegetables for a dose of antioxidants. Best of all it's prebiotic and probiotic!

What is the main nutrient in coleslaw? ›

A 100g serving of coleslaw provides about a quarter of your recommended daily vitamin A thanks to the cabbage and carrot content and the total recommended daily allowance of vitamin E from the plant oils found in mayonnaise.

Which is healthier, coleslaw or sauerkraut? ›

Sauerkraut is rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Its probiotics also help your body absorb these nutrients more easily, which is what makes sauerkraut more nutritious than raw cabbage or coleslaw.

When should you not eat coleslaw? ›

After two hours, harmful bacteria can start to grow. Even if the coleslaw was stored in the refrigerator prior to serving, it could quickly dip into what food safety rules call the "Danger Zone" after being set out.

Is coleslaw a superfood? ›

Yes, coleslaw can be healthy! The base of coleslaw is shredded vegetables (traditionally cabbage), so inherently coleslaw is vitamin- and fiber-packed and good for you. The issue is the dressing. Most traditional creamy coleslaw dressing is made with high fat ingredients like mayo and has sugar added too.

Is coleslaw good for your liver? ›

The cabbage and kale are part of the cruciferous family of vegetables and they are key for a healthy liver and your detoxification pathways. They help support the removal of toxins and unwanted hormones from your body. The dressing is great for your gut and digestion.

What is the difference between cabbage slaw and coleslaw? ›

Texture. Coleslaw is traditionally made with finely shredded cabbage, resulting in a softer and more delicate texture. Slaw, on the other hand, can have varying textures depending on the vegetables used and how they are prepared (e.g., shredded, grated, or julienned).

Is coleslaw good for your bowels? ›

The high fiber content in cabbage and other vegetables can aid in regulating bowel movements and preventing constipation. Additionally, the probiotics found in fermented versions of cole slaw, such as sauerkraut, can promote the growth of healthy gut bacteria and improve overall gut health.

Is coleslaw good for your kidneys? ›

Low in potassium and low in cost, it's an affordable addition to the kidney diet. Raw cabbage makes a great addition to the dialysis diet as coleslaw or a topping for fish tacos. You can steam, microwave or boil it, add butter or cream cheese plus pepper or caraway seeds and serve it as a side dish.

Which is healthier potato salad or coleslaw? ›

Both typically harbor a ton of mayo, but coleslaw is nearly always the smarter choice, thanks mainly to its primary ingredient. “Cabbage is going to be a lot lower in calories than potatoes are,” says Amy Goodson, R.D., a Dallas-based sports dietitian.

Is coleslaw a carb or protein? ›

Coleslaw (1 tbsp) contains 1g total carbs, 0.9g net carbs, 0.2g fat, 0.1g protein, and 6 calories.

Is coleslaw better than lettuce? ›

Which should you choose? If you're looking for the healthier option of the two, choose cabbage. Lettuce varieties such as red leaf lettuce and romaine are also good options. Cabbage, including green and red cabbage, is typically higher in vitamins, minerals, and beneficial plant compounds than iceberg lettuce.

Does coleslaw count as 5 a day? ›

Coleslaw: All that cabbage and carrot means 3.5 heaped tablespoons is equal to one of your daily five. But it also comes with 230 calories (130 in the reduced-fat version) on average, thanks to the mayonnaise.

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