Gut Loving Better Slaw | NeuroTrition (2024)

Better Slaw

Gut Loving Better Slaw | NeuroTrition (1)

We’ve always loved coleslaw, but now our discerning NeuroTritionist eyes can see that the store-bought, restaurant and takeout stuff tends to be full of poor quality mayonnaise (we’re not hating on mayo, but prefer to make our own). Because the base ingredients in coleslaw deliver such a great hit of liver-loving indole-3 carbinols and gut health-promoting prebiotics (that’s food for probiotics, your healthy gut bugs) we want to keep having it. But better.

Welcome to our Better Slaw.

Our slaw contains prebiotic and indole-3 containing radishes, to keep the liver and gut love going while bringing some beautiful red colour to this slaw. We added vibrant green cilantro, a known heavy metal chelator (if you’re one of the 50% who tastes it as soap, don’t add it!) The jalepenos add a little kick and a thermogenic (fat-burning) effect. Cumin, sea salt and pepper, and garlic replace the mayo to finish this delicate vegan slaw.

Our Better Slaw tastes good anytime as a side salad or a main dish (just add your favourite protein). It is especially awesome with our Blackened Mahi Mahi Tacosor Refried Black Bean and Chickpea Tacos.

Better Slaw

Yield: 14 Servings

Prep: 20 Minutes

Cooking: 5 Minutes


  • 1/4 head of red cabbage, julienned
  • 1/4head of green cabbage, julienned
  • 5 radishes, thinly sliced
  • 1 bunch cilantro, de-stemmed
  • 1 jalapeno, thinly sliced
  • 1 bunch chives, rough chopped
  • 3 tsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 clove garlic, grated or finely chopped
  • 1/4tsp cumin
  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • 1/4tsp pepper


  1. Combine all ingredients together.
  2. Check seasoning, adjusting to taste, and store in the refrigerator overnight.


Gut Loving Better Slaw | NeuroTrition (2)



  • Cilantro provides vitamin A, which protects our cell membranes against damage and offers protection against diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
  • It may help reduce levels of the “lousy” cholesterol LDL in the blood.


  • Cabbage is full of antioxidants like vitamin C and manganese. Apigenin, a free radical scavenger found in cabbage, provides anti-inflammatory protection against the beta-amyloid plaques found in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients.
  • Compounds in cabbage increase blood flow in the brain and can improve learning and memory.


  • One main ingredient in garlic, allicin, has antioxidant properties that eat up free radicals in the brain and can protect against dangerous brain cell killing reactions.
  • Both garlic with cabbage areloaded with anti-inflammatory compounds, so when mixed together, they are great at calming neuro-inflammation (better than either alone).
  1. Amagase, H., Petesch, BL., Matsuura, H., Kasuga, S., & Itakura., Y. (2001). Intake of garlic and its bioactive components. The Journal of Nutrition, 131(3), 955-962.
  2. Borek, C. (2001). Antioxidant Health Effects of Aged Garlic Extract. The Journal of Nutrition, 103(3), 1010-1015.
  3. Kannappan, R., Gupta, S. C., Kim, J. H., Reuter, S., & Aggarwal, B. B. (2011). Neuroprotection by Spice-Derived Nutraceuticals: You Are What You Eat! Molecular Neurobiology,44(2), 142–159.
  4. Liu et al., (2011). The flavonoid apigenin protects brain neurovascular coupling against amyloid-β₂₅₋₃₅-induced toxicity in mice. The Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 24(1), 85-100.
  5. Park, G., Kim, HG., Kim, YO., Park, SH., Kim, SY., & Oh, MS. (2012). Coriandrum sativum L. protects human keratinocytes from oxidative stress by regulating oxidative defense systems. Skin Pharmacology and Physiology. 25(2), 93-99.
Gut Loving Better Slaw | NeuroTrition (6)Gut Loving Better Slaw | NeuroTrition (7)

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Gut Loving Better Slaw | NeuroTrition (2024)
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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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