A DaVita Dietitian's Top 15 Healthy Foods for People with Kidney Disease (2024)

By DaVita dietitian Sara Colman, RD, CSR, CDE

Researchers are discovering more and more links between chronic diseases, inflammation and certain whole foods that may prevent or protect against undesirable fatty acid oxidation, a condition that occurs when the oxygen in your body reacts with fats in your blood and your cells. Oxidation is a normal process for energy production and many chemical reactions in the body, but excessive oxidation of fats and cholesterol creates molecules known as “free radicals” that can damage your proteins, cell membranes and genes. Heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and other chronic and degenerative conditions have been linked to oxidative damage.

Foods that contain antioxidants can help neutralize free radicals and protect the body. Many of the foods that protect against oxidation are included in the kidney diet and make excellent choices for people on dialysis or people with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Eating foods rich in antioxidants as part of your kidney diet and working with a kidney dietitian are important for people with kidney disease because they experience more inflammation and have a higher risk for cardiovascular disease.

Want to learn more about the kidney diet? Download our free kidney-friendly cookbooks filled with kidney diet tips and recipes.

Top 15 Healthy Foods for People with Kidney Disease

A DaVita Dietitian's Top 15 Healthy Foods for People with Kidney Disease (2024)


A DaVita Dietitian's Top 15 Healthy Foods for People with Kidney Disease? ›

A 2012 study suggests that a 40-year-old with stage 3a CKD has an average life expectancy of 24.5 years, while a person of the same age with stage 3b CKD has an average life expectancy of 14.5 years. Life expectancy decreases as the age at diagnosis increases.

What are the 15 foods that are good for your kidneys? ›

Top 15 Healthy Foods for Kidney Function
  • Red Bell Peppers. Red bell peppers are a good choice for people with kidney disease because they are low in potassium and high in flavor. ...
  • Cabbage. ...
  • Apples. ...
  • Cranberries. ...
  • Blueberries. ...
  • Cherries. ...
  • Tuna. ...
  • Salmon.

What is a good menu for kidney disease? ›

Step 4: Choose foods and drinks with less phosphorus
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Breads, pasta, rice.
  • Rice milk (not enriched)
  • Corn and rice cereals.
  • Light-colored sodas/pop, such as lemon-lime or homemade iced tea.

Can you live 20 years with stage 3 kidney disease? ›

A 2012 study suggests that a 40-year-old with stage 3a CKD has an average life expectancy of 24.5 years, while a person of the same age with stage 3b CKD has an average life expectancy of 14.5 years. Life expectancy decreases as the age at diagnosis increases.

Which is the best type of diet for renal kidney patients? ›

What is the DASH Diet? The DASH Diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, whole grains, fish, poultry, beans, seeds, and nuts. It is low in salt and sodium, added sugars and sweets, fat and red meats.

What is the best breakfast for kidney disease? ›

Whole foods that aren't overly processed are generally a good idea for your kidney-friendly breakfast.
  • Whole grain cereal, bagel, bread, or English muffin.
  • Oatmeal.
  • Fresh fruit such as a bowl of cut strawberries, grapes or pineapple.
  • Plant-based choices like almond milk, peanut butter, and chia seeds.
  • Eggs.

What is the best thing to drink for your kidneys? ›

Whilst all fluid counts towards your fluid intake, water is one of the healthiest choices when it comes to maintaining kidney health. Sip water little and often. Women should aim to drink eight 200ml glasses of fluid a day. Men should aim to drink ten 200ml glasses of fluid a day.

What is the best sandwich meat for kidneys? ›

Sack lunches

Remember: If possible, make meat sandwiches from low-sodium, fresh-cooked meats such as chicken, turkey breast, roast beef, pork or fish in 2 to 3 ounce portions. Egg salad or fried egg sandwiches are good low-sodium, high-protein choices.

What are the worst foods for kidney function? ›

1. Salt
  • Canned soups.
  • Processed meats like lunch meats, hot dogs, sausages.
  • Frozen pizza.
  • Frozen dinners.
  • Snack foods like chips, crackers, pretzels.
  • Condiments like ketchup, BBQ sauce, soy sauce.
  • Salad dressing.
  • Pickled foods like pickles, olives, beets.

What foods cleanse the kidneys? ›

A person can try adding these kidney-friendly foods to their diet:
  • pomegranate.
  • avocado.
  • tofu.
  • fish.
  • broccoli.
  • squash.
  • leafy greens.
  • tomatoes.

What are two drugs not to be used in kidney disease? ›

They may harm your kidneys. Your doctor may tell you not to take them or may change the dose. Medicines for pain and swelling, such as ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) or naproxen (Aleve), can cause harm. So can some antibiotics and antacids.

How long does it take to go from stage 3 to stage 4 kidney disease? ›

Research shows that about half of patients of stage 3 CKD progressed to a more advanced stage during 10 years. Some people also end up with complications from CKD, such as cardiovascular disease that affects their overall life expectancy.

How much water should you drink a day with stage 3 kidney disease? ›

The National Kidney Foundation recommends for people with stages I and II chronic kidney disease (CKD) to consume 8 glasses of water per day and those with stages III, IV, and V CKD to limit water consumption. It is best to discuss your water and salt consumption with your doctor.

What is the best protein for kidney disease? ›

15 Kidney-Friendly Protein Foods for Keeping Albumin Up
  1. Burgers. Made from turkey or lean beef, both of these protein sources give you iron to help prevent anemia. ...
  2. Chicken. Protein from chicken can range from 14 to 28 grams. ...
  3. Cottage cheese. ...
  4. Deviled eggs. ...
  5. Egg omelet. ...
  6. Egg whites. ...
  7. Fish. ...
  8. Greek yogurt.

What foods reverse kidney damage? ›

  • Açai berries. Açai (ah-sigh-EE) berries are small fruits that grow in clusters like grapes and have a center pit. ...
  • Apples. Apples are rich in antioxidants and a good source of fiber and vitamin C. ...
  • Citrus. ...
  • Cherries. ...
  • Pomegranates. ...
  • Strawberries. ...
  • Tomatoes.

How many eggs can a kidney patient eat per day? ›

Most people with chronic kidney disease need between 60-70 grams of protein a day, which is the amount in about 7 ounces of meat or 10 large eggs. Individual protein needs will vary based on overall calories needs, activity level, and kidney function.

What foods are good for repairing kidneys? ›

The doctor may recommend eating foods such as apples, cranberries, strawberries, cabbage, cauliflower, and cucumber. Protein: Though protein is important for your body, more protein makes your kidneys work harder and may worsen kidney disease.

What not to drink if you have kidney problems? ›

Many manufacturers of dark-colored drinks add phosphorus to their products to enhance flavor, prolong shelf life, and prevent discoloration. Phosphorus in its additive form, found in dark cola and beer, is highly absorbable by the human body and is not recommended for those following a renal diet.

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