Stop Eating This ‘Healthy’ Salad If You Want To Lose Weight, Nutritionists Say (2024)

If you’re trying to make healthy decisions in order to shed a few pounds this summer, you may be opting for healthy side dishes at all your picnics and barbeques. From grilled vegetables to fruit salad, there are plenty of tasty, nutritious options to choose from. However, there’s one potentially unexpectedly fattening salad that experts say you should be wary of: coleslaw. While this dish may not always be healthy, there are a few key factors that could lead to weight gain, and there are several adjustments you can make to your recipe in order to assure you’re serving up (and eating) the healthiest slaw around.

To learn more about the potential health risks of coleslaw, especially when it comes to weight management, we spoke to nutritionist Mary Sabat. She told us that this salad typically contains high-calorie dressings and added sugar. Luckily, she also shared a few healthy alternatives so that you can keep that coleslaw-shaped spot in your heart filled. Find it all below!

Stop Eating This ‘Healthy’ Salad If You Want To Lose Weight, Nutritionists Say (2)


How coleslaw may lead to weight gain

Coleslaw is often considered a healthy side dish or sandwich topping thanks to the fact that it's a relatively light salad made of low-calorie cabbage. However, Sabat says that there are a few health concerns at hand if you're eating high amounts of coleslaw; the issues arise when you consider the ingredients that are added to the shredded cabbage.

For one, she points out that coleslaw typically contains high-calorie dressings. "Coleslaw dressings often contain mayonnaise or creamy dressings that can be high in calories and fat," she says, warning that "these additions can significantly increase the caloric content of the dish." Mayonnaise, in particular, is one condiment that health experts generally warn against if you're trying to lose weight. This high-fat sauce can lead to a number of negative effects on your health.

Then there's the issue of added sugar. Coleslaw typically has a tangy, sweet flavor—and it may contain sugary ingredients to create this flavor. "Some coleslaw recipes may include added sugar in the dressing or the addition of sweet ingredients like dried fruits," Sabat says. "These can increase the overall calorie count and contribute to weight gain if consumed excessively." Excessive sugar consumption is associated with a wide range of health risks, so it's important to limit your intake as much as possible.

Plus, she points out that just like any other food, eating large portions of coleslaw can ultimately result in weight gain. Unfortunately, many of us are likely to overindulge on this potentially sugary, fattening salad because it's quite light (and delicious). "Portion control is essential, even when consuming healthier options," Sabat reminds us.

Stop Eating This ‘Healthy’ Salad If You Want To Lose Weight, Nutritionists Say (3)


What to eat instead

Want to enjoy the tasty benefits of coleslaw without putting your weight loss goals at risk? Sabat recommends the following alternatives to traditional coleslaw:

Vinegar-based coleslaw: "Instead of using mayonnaise or creamy dressings, opt for a coleslaw made with vinegar or citrus-based dressings. These versions tend to be lower in calories and fat," Sabat tells us. Perfect!

Greek yogurt-based coleslaw: "Replace mayonnaise with Greek yogurt in the dressing," Sabat recommends. "Greek yogurt provides a creamy texture with fewer calories and more protein, making it a healthier option." Sounds delicious—and healthy. Greek Yogurt offers tons of health benefits!

Vegetable slaw: "Create a slaw using a variety of shredded or spiralized vegetables like cabbage, carrots, broccoli, and bell peppers. Toss them with a light vinaigrette or citrus dressing for a refreshing, low-calorie alternative," Sabat recommends. We're trying this ASAP!

The bottom line

Of course, having some coleslaw at a barbeque here and there certainly won't cause you to gain weight overnight. In fact, it makes a much better side dish than ultra-processed options like potato chips. However, if slimming down is your goal, it's best to limit your intake of sugary, mayonnaise-based coleslaw and replace it with Sabat's healthy recommendations instead.

Stop Eating This ‘Healthy’ Salad If You Want To Lose Weight, Nutritionists Say (2024)


Can I eat as much salad as I want and still lose weight? ›

Can you lose weight by eating a salad every day? "Eating salads on a daily basis as part of an overall healthy lifestyle may support gradual weight loss over time," says Karnatz. "This is because leafy greens are low in calories and high in volume and fiber, which will keep you satisfied for longer," she adds.

What do nutritionists say is the best way to lose weight? ›

Weight loss works best when good eating habits are paired with other changes, such as getting more exercise. Talk with your healthcare provider before starting a new exercise program. Know that losing weight takes hard work and time. Making small but significant lifestyle changes can have long-term effects.

What to avoid in salad for weight loss? ›

What To Avoid In Salad For Weight Loss
  1. If you want to lose weight, stay away from these salad ingredients:
  2. Creamy Dressings: Use vinaigrettes or lemon juice.
  3. Croutons: High in calories and often fried.
  4. Cheese: Don't use too much of it, and pick low-fat kinds.
  5. Creamy Dressings: Use vinaigrettes or lemon juice.

What happens to your body when you eat salad every day? ›

"It also contributes to the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut, fostering a balanced and thriving gut microbiome." In addition to gut health, 2020 research found dietary consumption provided other perks, like improved heart and metabolic health (including blood sugar regulation).

Can you lose belly fat by eating salad? ›

Salads are loaded with fibres, and when you add a good amount of fibre in your daily meal plan, it can definitely target your belly fat and help it move away faster.

What is the most unhealthy salad? ›

Worst: Crispy Chicken Salad

A green salad with chicken may sound like a healthy meal, but descriptions like “crispy” and “crunchy” are red flags. These words are code for breaded and deep-fried, which can turn that healthy-sounding salad into a calorie bomb.

What is the unhealthiest salad dressing? ›

Depending on the ingredients, some dressings tend to be less healthy than others.
  1. Caesar. And at the top of that list? Caesar dressing. ...
  2. Thousand Island. Next in line is Thousand Island. ...
  3. Blue cheese. The delicious crumbles that make blue cheese dressing a fan favorite can also make it dangerous for a balanced diet.
Oct 27, 2023

What is the healthiest dressing to put on your salad? ›

6 healthy salad dressings you can make in less than 3 minutes
  • Classic lemon and olive oil. This is a very easy dressing that is good with strong-flavoured leaf salads, such as rocket or kale. ...
  • Lime and chilli dressing. ...
  • Simple balsamic vinaigrette. ...
  • Raspberry vinaigrette. ...
  • Creamy cucumber dressing. ...
  • Creamy mint dressing.

How to lose 10 pounds in a week? ›

To lose 10 pounds in one week, you'll need to burn between 3,500 and 5,000 calories more than you consume each day by restricting your diet to small portions of nutritious yet low-calorie foods, and significantly increasing your aerobic exercise with interval training, sports, and other vigorous activities.

What is the healthiest salad? ›

10 Nutrient-Dense Salad Recipes
  • Low-Carb Asian Chopped Salad.
  • Spicy Shrimp, Avocado, and Arugula Salad.
  • Tofu and Kale Salad.
  • Pear, Grape, and Feta Salad.
  • Mediterranean Chicken Salad.
  • Blood Orange and Quinoa Kale Salad.
  • Golden Beet and Pomegranate Salad.
  • Roasted Chickpea and Kale Salad.
Jul 20, 2021

Are prepackaged salads healthy? ›

If you're shopping for a bagged salad, you're doing a great thing for your health. Nonetheless, be mindful of the sodium content. While vegies contain next to no sodium, a salad's sodium content can increase drastically when dressing, noodles, cheese and croutons are added.

Can I eat unlimited vegetables and still lose weight? ›

SO YOU'RE SAYING I CAN EAT AS MUCH AS I WANT AND STILL LOSE WEIGHT? Yes, if following F-Factor correctly, people can eat unlimited vegetables and still maintain or lose —so long as they are non-starchy vegetables that are raw, plain or steamed with no oil (as opposed to being prepared with butter, oil or sauce).

Can too much salad be fattening? ›

Salads chock full of fiber-rich vegetables can be very weight-loss-friendly. On the other hand, those doused in high-calorie dressing or topped with unhealthy ingredients are not. Premade salads, such as those in grocery stores or fast food restaurants, can be very high in calories, sugar and unhealthy fats.

What is the best time to eat salad for weight loss? ›

Eating a salad before your meal may help with weight loss

If you are trying to lose weight, eating a salad as an “appetizer” can be a smart move. Eaten before the meal, a salad loaded with low-calorie vegetables can help you feel full. You may be less likely to eat as many calories during the main meal.

Is eating lettuce everyday good for weight loss? ›

It aids metabolism, and increasing your metabolism is vital in losing weight and decreasing calorie intake. Thus, being a rich source of vitamin B1, B3 and B6, lettuce can improve the body's metabolism and helps in weight loss.

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